I’ve worked a lot in that code. It always feels risky changing it’s behavior because it feels very likely there will be unintended consequences, so we take it one use case at a time.
It’d be best if you filed a bug over at https://github.com/chef/ohai/issues with your platform, platform version, ohai version, output of ohai -l debug, and output of all these commands (linux, right?):
ip -f inet6 neigh show
ip -o -f inet6 route show table main
ip -d -s link
ip addr
And of course any other information about your network setup that seems unique to you.
Alright. I’ll file it because the issue is not just that it’s just ignoring
the IPv6 gateway, it refuses to add ANY network interfaces (including IPv4)
on the box that it doesn’t have problem with too because of the exception
so node[:network][:interfaces] is empty.