Fellow chef’s,
I have a question about ldap accounts that ohai pulls down. We are a
large shop with thousands of servers and we have a large number of ldap
accounts (only a few are currently managed by chef). As per the issue
in OHAI-165 http://tickets.opscode.com/browse/OHAI-165 , I believe it
may be affecting performance on our chef server.
One solution proffered is to place Ohai::Config[:disabled_plugins] = [
“passwd” ] in the client config to disable this. However, if we do
this, won’t the ldap accounts be unavailable in resources? Meaning, If
I assign the ownership of a file to an ldap account in a file resource,
won’t that cause a failure. This since chef will not know anything
about that account…
file “/tmp/myfile” do
owner “ldapacct1”
group “ldapgroup1”
mode “0600”
Anyone have any guidance on this issue? I would like to keep all the
ldap info out of ohai, but still be able to use ldap accounts in a