I just needed to rerun ohai after configuring ldap…
If you configure ldap for the first time, ohai will not know about
the accounts within that run.
ruby_block “reload_ohai” do
block do
ohai = Ohai::System.new
node.automatic_attrs = ohai.data
action :nothing
Install the template
template “/etc/ldap.conf” do
source “ldap.conf.erb”
owner “root”
group “root”
mode 0644
notifies :create, resources(:ruby_block => ‘reload_ohai’),
From: Van Fossan,Randy
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 3:22 PM
To: chef@lists.opscode.com
Subject: ldap users (after ldap config) in chef run
I have a base role that configures ldap on the client and cycles the
nscd daemon. Later in that role I try to create some directories
using “owner” and “group” from these ldap accounts. It always fails on
the first pass through. If I run it again, it will work fine.
I suspect that the chef run cannot yet see these accounts until after
the chef run is complete. If I run 'getent passwd | grep account’
right after the chef run, I can indeed see the account.
Anyone have any idea how to deal with ldap account changes within a chef
run? Does ohai need to be rerun in the middle of the run somehow?