Yes this is what we are trying to do. I should have looked in your JIRA first. I think I found the issue here[1].
[1] -
From: Daniel DeLeo <>
Reply-To: "" <>
Date: Monday, March 4, 2013 11:12 AM
To: "" <>
Subject: [chef] Re: Re: Omnibus and RVM
On Monday, March 4, 2013 at 9:10 AM, Adam Jacob wrote:
I don’t understand the question, sorry.
Omnibus is a full-stack installation - it brings ruby, and everything else
above libc, along for the ride in the package itself. So it’s completely
incompatible with RVM by definition.
If you want to try using Chef and RVM, the way to do that is to just
install the Chef gem inside of RVM - at which point, you don’t need the
omnibus installer at all, perhaps.
I think he wants omnibus for chef things and RVM for other stuff. What happens in that case is the environment variables from rvm point omnibus’ ruby at the rvm install. There’s an open bug about this.
Daniel DeLeo
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