We are trying to deploy a new on-prem builder and are running into a few issues - that we have resolved or just moved past but the scripts/files need to be updated. Everything on github I’ll submit issues for but what is the best way to get the missing package included in the latest tar ball.
Is missing the package below and stopped the upload process. core-dsc-core-0.1.0-20180531140858-x86_64-windows.hart
It was trying to upload core-sqlserver-ha-ag package when it couldn’t find the dependency above. core-sqlserver-ha-ag-0.1.0-20180604150248-x86_64-windows.hart
habitat-builder-artifact-store - now uses .default vs .local export MINIO_BUCKET=habitat-builder-artifact-store.local
Is missing a section for
password = "<%= @password %>"
Is missing a bind --bind datastore:builder-datastore.default
TL;DR that bootstrap file is sometimes wrong and we’re looking into ways to make it better. The easiest way to get the dependent hart on your local depot is to download it locally (by installing from upstream) and then upload the cached hart from /hab/cache/artifacts/<PKG> to your local depot
Yes looks like the minio bucket config is broken - will issue a couple of PRs to fix that: 1) set the default config in builder-minio to habitat-builder-artifact-store.local; 2) set the bucket config in provision.sh correctly