"quorum failed" error while trying to start a job using knife push job command

Hi ,

I am trying to trigger a job using chef push job functionality.
But getting “quorum failed” error while trying to start a job using knife command.

[root@chef-workstation cookbooks]# knife job start touch 'chef-node-1’
Started. Job ID: 7296674996db01f7e3d86dd4c6ac0310
command: touch
created_at: Mon, 19 Feb 2018 02:26:11 GMT
id: 7296674996db01f7e3d86dd4c6ac0310
nacked: chef-node-1
run_timeout: 3600
status: quorum_failed
updated_at: Mon, 19 Feb 2018 02:26:11 GMT
[root@chef-workstation cookbooks]#

Node is active and i can see it is able to communicate with push job server.

[root@chef-workstation cookbooks]# knife node status chef-node-1
chef-node-1 available
[root@chef-workstation cookbooks]#

From the push-job-client log, i could see below error:

INFO: [chef-node-1] Received server heartbeat (sequence #339) logging 2/3
INFO: [chef-node-1] Received server heartbeat (sequence #340) logging 3/3
INFO: [UNKNOWN] Job UNKNOWN: whitelist ‘touch’ to ''
INFO: [UNKNOWN] Job UNKNOWN: whitelist ‘touch’ to ''
ERROR: [chef-node-1] Received commit 7296674996dbb28e340cf7027c929449, but command ‘touch’ is not in the whitelist!

But i have added the job to the whitelist attribute of node and i am able to see it from my chef-manage webui. Also added the details to push-job-client.rb file.

What could be possible reason for this error? Can anyone help me to understand the “quorum failed” error?
