Rails db:migrate fails via knife, succeeds when run directly

I’m using the deploy cookbook to deploy a Rails app (nginx + passenger).
I’m running “bundle exec rake db:migrate --trace” during the migration
step, after the database is created. Many times this step will fail with:

ERROR: deploy_revision[/var/www] (_site::deploy line 39) had an error:
Chef::Exceptions::Exec: bundle exec rake db:migrate --trace returned 1,
expected 0

It is very frustrating because it will sometimes succeed but often will
fail. It seems like more often, when I run via knife ssh ("knife ssh
’fqdn:xxx*’ ‘sudo chef-client’), it will fail at the above step, then I ssh
into the actual box, start a shell as root (“sudo su -”) then run
chef-client and it will succeed.

I see that the unix error code “1” means a permissions issue; is that what
I’m facing here or is rake (er, bundle I guess) just using this as a
generic error return code? Any way I can get a more specific reason as to
why the migrate is failing?

The chef-stacktrace.out file doesn’t give any more specific info about the
actual db:migrate failure.

This is permission issue.

Or may be environment variables do not setup correctly.

I don't know application cookbook. But I has a question: where is the ruby
installed with it (in home or system ruby)?

2014-02-18 6:51 GMT+04:00 Toby Johnson irontoby@gmail.com:

I'm using the deploy cookbook to deploy a Rails app (nginx + passenger).
I'm running "bundle exec rake db:migrate --trace" during the migration
step, after the database is created. Many times this step will fail with:

ERROR: deploy_revision[/var/www] (_site::deploy line 39) had an error:
Chef::Exceptions::Exec: bundle exec rake db:migrate --trace returned 1,
expected 0

It is very frustrating because it will sometimes succeed but often will
fail. It seems like more often, when I run via knife ssh ("knife ssh
'fqdn:xxx*' 'sudo chef-client'), it will fail at the above step, then I ssh
into the actual box, start a shell as root ("sudo su -") then run
chef-client and it will succeed.

I see that the unix error code "1" means a permissions issue; is that what
I'm facing here or is rake (er, bundle I guess) just using this as a
generic error return code? Any way I can get a more specific reason as to
why the migrate is failing?

The chef-stacktrace.out file doesn't give any more specific info about the
actual db:migrate failure.

Faithfully yours,

CVision Lab System Administrator
Vladmir Skubriev

Thanks Vladimir; my apologies, I meant to mention that Ruby is installed
with rbenv, but using a "global" setup at /opt/rbenv and not in a home

I am setting up RAILS_ENV to production using the "environment" command in
the deploy_revision resource.

My database.yml is a symlink to the "shared" one
at /var/www/shared/config/database.yml. That file has restrictive
permissions (owner root:nginx with ug+r; or 0440), while all directories
from /var/www below have owner root:nginx and permissions u+rwx,g+rx; or

One point of confusion I have, is which user actually runs the "rake
db:migrate" command? I didn't see anywhere to set this using the deploy

On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 11:20 PM, Vladimir Skubriev <skubriev@cvisionlab.com


This is permission issue.

Or may be environment variables do not setup correctly.

I don't know application cookbook. But I has a question: where is the ruby
installed with it (in home or system ruby)?

2014-02-18 6:51 GMT+04:00 Toby Johnson irontoby@gmail.com:

I'm using the deploy cookbook to deploy a Rails app (nginx + passenger).

I'm running "bundle exec rake db:migrate --trace" during the migration
step, after the database is created. Many times this step will fail with:

ERROR: deploy_revision[/var/www] (_site::deploy line 39) had an error:
Chef::Exceptions::Exec: bundle exec rake db:migrate --trace returned 1,
expected 0

It is very frustrating because it will sometimes succeed but often will
fail. It seems like more often, when I run via knife ssh ("knife ssh
'fqdn:xxx*' 'sudo chef-client'), it will fail at the above step, then I ssh
into the actual box, start a shell as root ("sudo su -") then run
chef-client and it will succeed.

I see that the unix error code "1" means a permissions issue; is that
what I'm facing here or is rake (er, bundle I guess) just using this as a
generic error return code? Any way I can get a more specific reason as to
why the migrate is failing?

The chef-stacktrace.out file doesn't give any more specific info about
the actual db:migrate failure.

Faithfully yours,

CVision Lab System Administrator
Vladmir Skubriev

To be honest I do not know.

2014-02-18 9:15 GMT+04:00 Toby Johnson irontoby@gmail.com:

Thanks Vladimir; my apologies, I meant to mention that Ruby is installed
with rbenv, but using a "global" setup at /opt/rbenv and not in a home

I am setting up RAILS_ENV to production using the "environment" command in
the deploy_revision resource.

My database.yml is a symlink to the "shared" one
at /var/www/shared/config/database.yml. That file has restrictive
permissions (owner root:nginx with ug+r; or 0440), while all directories
from /var/www below have owner root:nginx and permissions u+rwx,g+rx; or

One point of confusion I have, is which user actually runs the "rake
db:migrate" command? I didn't see anywhere to set this using the deploy

On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 11:20 PM, Vladimir Skubriev <
skubriev@cvisionlab.com> wrote:

This is permission issue.

Or may be environment variables do not setup correctly.

I don't know application cookbook. But I has a question: where is the
ruby installed with it (in home or system ruby)?

2014-02-18 6:51 GMT+04:00 Toby Johnson irontoby@gmail.com:

I'm using the deploy cookbook to deploy a Rails app (nginx + passenger).

I'm running "bundle exec rake db:migrate --trace" during the migration
step, after the database is created. Many times this step will fail with:

ERROR: deploy_revision[/var/www] (_site::deploy line 39) had an error:
Chef::Exceptions::Exec: bundle exec rake db:migrate --trace returned 1,
expected 0

It is very frustrating because it will sometimes succeed but often will
fail. It seems like more often, when I run via knife ssh ("knife ssh
'fqdn:xxx*' 'sudo chef-client'), it will fail at the above step, then I ssh
into the actual box, start a shell as root ("sudo su -") then run
chef-client and it will succeed.

I see that the unix error code "1" means a permissions issue; is that
what I'm facing here or is rake (er, bundle I guess) just using this as a
generic error return code? Any way I can get a more specific reason as to
why the migrate is failing?

The chef-stacktrace.out file doesn't give any more specific info about
the actual db:migrate failure.

Faithfully yours,

CVision Lab System Administrator
Vladmir Skubriev

Faithfully yours,

CVision Lab System Administrator
Vladmir Skubriev

Hey Toby,

You might need to load rbenv to the shell before running bundle. The
application-rails cookbook makes this easy for you:

application "my_app" do
rails do
bundle_command ". /etc/profile.d/rbenv.sh &&
RAILS_ENV=#{node.chef_environment} bundle"

That's how I used to do. The path to the rbenv init script might not be
right -- I was using chruby --, so adjust to your environment.

On 18 February 2014 07:35, Vladimir Skubriev skubriev@cvisionlab.comwrote:

To be honest I do not know.

2014-02-18 9:15 GMT+04:00 Toby Johnson irontoby@gmail.com:

Thanks Vladimir; my apologies, I meant to mention that Ruby is installed

with rbenv, but using a "global" setup at /opt/rbenv and not in a home

I am setting up RAILS_ENV to production using the "environment" command
in the deploy_revision resource.

My database.yml is a symlink to the "shared" one
at /var/www/shared/config/database.yml. That file has restrictive
permissions (owner root:nginx with ug+r; or 0440), while all directories
from /var/www below have owner root:nginx and permissions u+rwx,g+rx; or

One point of confusion I have, is which user actually runs the "rake
db:migrate" command? I didn't see anywhere to set this using the deploy

On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 11:20 PM, Vladimir Skubriev <
skubriev@cvisionlab.com> wrote:

This is permission issue.

Or may be environment variables do not setup correctly.

I don't know application cookbook. But I has a question: where is the
ruby installed with it (in home or system ruby)?

2014-02-18 6:51 GMT+04:00 Toby Johnson irontoby@gmail.com:

I'm using the deploy cookbook to deploy a Rails app (nginx + passenger).

I'm running "bundle exec rake db:migrate --trace" during the migration
step, after the database is created. Many times this step will fail with:

ERROR: deploy_revision[/var/www] (_site::deploy line 39) had an error:
Chef::Exceptions::Exec: bundle exec rake db:migrate --trace returned 1,
expected 0

It is very frustrating because it will sometimes succeed but often will
fail. It seems like more often, when I run via knife ssh ("knife ssh
'fqdn:xxx*' 'sudo chef-client'), it will fail at the above step, then I ssh
into the actual box, start a shell as root ("sudo su -") then run
chef-client and it will succeed.

I see that the unix error code "1" means a permissions issue; is that
what I'm facing here or is rake (er, bundle I guess) just using this as a
generic error return code? Any way I can get a more specific reason as to
why the migrate is failing?

The chef-stacktrace.out file doesn't give any more specific info about
the actual db:migrate failure.

Faithfully yours,

CVision Lab System Administrator
Vladmir Skubriev

Faithfully yours,

CVision Lab System Administrator
Vladmir Skubriev

Okay Cassiano, that makes sense, thanks for the pointer. I'll give it a try.

I hadn't heard of the application-rails cookbook (though a Google search
suggests maybe you meant application-ruby?) and since I'm using nginx I
don't know if it would apply to me but I can certainly make the same call
using the deploy cookbook too.

On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 10:31 AM, Cassiano Leal cassianoleal@gmail.comwrote:

Hey Toby,

You might need to load rbenv to the shell before running bundle. The
application-rails cookbook makes this easy for you:

application "my_app" do
rails do
bundle_command ". /etc/profile.d/rbenv.sh &&
RAILS_ENV=#{node.chef_environment} bundle"

That's how I used to do. The path to the rbenv init script might not be
right -- I was using chruby --, so adjust to your environment.

On 18 February 2014 07:35, Vladimir Skubriev skubriev@cvisionlab.comwrote:

To be honest I do not know.

2014-02-18 9:15 GMT+04:00 Toby Johnson irontoby@gmail.com:

Thanks Vladimir; my apologies, I meant to mention that Ruby is installed

with rbenv, but using a "global" setup at /opt/rbenv and not in a home

I am setting up RAILS_ENV to production using the "environment" command
in the deploy_revision resource.

My database.yml is a symlink to the "shared" one
at /var/www/shared/config/database.yml. That file has restrictive
permissions (owner root:nginx with ug+r; or 0440), while all directories
from /var/www below have owner root:nginx and permissions u+rwx,g+rx; or

One point of confusion I have, is which user actually runs the "rake
db:migrate" command? I didn't see anywhere to set this using the deploy

On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 11:20 PM, Vladimir Skubriev <
skubriev@cvisionlab.com> wrote:

This is permission issue.

Or may be environment variables do not setup correctly.

I don't know application cookbook. But I has a question: where is the
ruby installed with it (in home or system ruby)?

2014-02-18 6:51 GMT+04:00 Toby Johnson irontoby@gmail.com:

I'm using the deploy cookbook to deploy a Rails app (nginx +

passenger). I'm running "bundle exec rake db:migrate --trace" during the
migration step, after the database is created. Many times this step will
fail with:

ERROR: deploy_revision[/var/www] (_site::deploy line 39) had an error:
Chef::Exceptions::Exec: bundle exec rake db:migrate --trace returned 1,
expected 0

It is very frustrating because it will sometimes succeed but often
will fail. It seems like more often, when I run via knife ssh ("knife ssh
'fqdn:xxx*' 'sudo chef-client'), it will fail at the above step, then I ssh
into the actual box, start a shell as root ("sudo su -") then run
chef-client and it will succeed.

I see that the unix error code "1" means a permissions issue; is that
what I'm facing here or is rake (er, bundle I guess) just using this as a
generic error return code? Any way I can get a more specific reason as to
why the migrate is failing?

The chef-stacktrace.out file doesn't give any more specific info about
the actual db:migrate failure.

Faithfully yours,

CVision Lab System Administrator
Vladmir Skubriev

Faithfully yours,

CVision Lab System Administrator
Vladmir Skubriev

Well I just gave your suggestion a try and it seems to have worked! Many
thanks... looking at the recipe again, it makes sense, because it's not
using "rbenv_execute" like for the "bundle install" step. I assume
rbenv_execute takes care of the rbenv.sh automatically but for
migration_command I need to do it myself. I guess I could also get rid of
the "built-in" migration step and just issue a second rbenv_execute myself.

environment 'RAILS_ENV' => app[:rails_env]
migration_command '. /etc/profile.d/rbenv.sh && bundle exec rake
db:migrate --trace'

user app[:owner]
group app[:group]

before_migrate do
current_release = release_path

rbenv_execute 'bundle install' do
  environment 'RAILS_ENV' => app[:rails_env]
  command 'bundle install'
  cwd current_release


On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 9:05 PM, Toby Johnson irontoby@gmail.com wrote:

Okay Cassiano, that makes sense, thanks for the pointer. I'll give it a

I hadn't heard of the application-rails cookbook (though a Google search
suggests maybe you meant application-ruby?) and since I'm using nginx I
don't know if it would apply to me but I can certainly make the same call
using the deploy cookbook too.

On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 10:31 AM, Cassiano Leal cassianoleal@gmail.comwrote:

Hey Toby,

You might need to load rbenv to the shell before running bundle. The
application-rails cookbook makes this easy for you:

application "my_app" do
rails do
bundle_command ". /etc/profile.d/rbenv.sh &&
RAILS_ENV=#{node.chef_environment} bundle"

That's how I used to do. The path to the rbenv init script might not be
right -- I was using chruby --, so adjust to your environment.

On 18 February 2014 07:35, Vladimir Skubriev skubriev@cvisionlab.comwrote:

To be honest I do not know.

2014-02-18 9:15 GMT+04:00 Toby Johnson irontoby@gmail.com:

Thanks Vladimir; my apologies, I meant to mention that Ruby is installed

with rbenv, but using a "global" setup at /opt/rbenv and not in a home

I am setting up RAILS_ENV to production using the "environment" command
in the deploy_revision resource.

My database.yml is a symlink to the "shared" one
at /var/www/shared/config/database.yml. That file has restrictive
permissions (owner root:nginx with ug+r; or 0440), while all directories
from /var/www below have owner root:nginx and permissions u+rwx,g+rx; or

One point of confusion I have, is which user actually runs the "rake
db:migrate" command? I didn't see anywhere to set this using the deploy

On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 11:20 PM, Vladimir Skubriev <
skubriev@cvisionlab.com> wrote:

This is permission issue.

Or may be environment variables do not setup correctly.

I don't know application cookbook. But I has a question: where is the
ruby installed with it (in home or system ruby)?

2014-02-18 6:51 GMT+04:00 Toby Johnson irontoby@gmail.com:

I'm using the deploy cookbook to deploy a Rails app (nginx +

passenger). I'm running "bundle exec rake db:migrate --trace" during the
migration step, after the database is created. Many times this step will
fail with:

ERROR: deploy_revision[/var/www] (_site::deploy line 39) had an
error: Chef::Exceptions::Exec: bundle exec rake db:migrate --trace returned
1, expected 0

It is very frustrating because it will sometimes succeed but often
will fail. It seems like more often, when I run via knife ssh ("knife ssh
'fqdn:xxx*' 'sudo chef-client'), it will fail at the above step, then I ssh
into the actual box, start a shell as root ("sudo su -") then run
chef-client and it will succeed.

I see that the unix error code "1" means a permissions issue; is that
what I'm facing here or is rake (er, bundle I guess) just using this as a
generic error return code? Any way I can get a more specific reason as to
why the migrate is failing?

The chef-stacktrace.out file doesn't give any more specific info
about the actual db:migrate failure.

Faithfully yours,

CVision Lab System Administrator
Vladmir Skubriev

Faithfully yours,

CVision Lab System Administrator
Vladmir Skubriev

Yes, I meant the application_ruby cb.

Glad you solved it!

On 19 February 2014 02:22, Toby Johnson irontoby@gmail.com wrote:

Well I just gave your suggestion a try and it seems to have worked! Many
thanks... looking at the recipe again, it makes sense, because it's not
using "rbenv_execute" like for the "bundle install" step. I assume
rbenv_execute takes care of the rbenv.sh automatically but for
migration_command I need to do it myself. I guess I could also get rid of
the "built-in" migration step and just issue a second rbenv_execute myself.

environment 'RAILS_ENV' => app[:rails_env]
migration_command '. /etc/profile.d/rbenv.sh && bundle exec rake
db:migrate --trace'

user app[:owner]
group app[:group]

before_migrate do
current_release = release_path

rbenv_execute 'bundle install' do
  environment 'RAILS_ENV' => app[:rails_env]
  command 'bundle install'
  cwd current_release


On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 9:05 PM, Toby Johnson irontoby@gmail.com wrote:

Okay Cassiano, that makes sense, thanks for the pointer. I'll give it a

I hadn't heard of the application-rails cookbook (though a Google search
suggests maybe you meant application-ruby?) and since I'm using nginx I
don't know if it would apply to me but I can certainly make the same call
using the deploy cookbook too.

On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 10:31 AM, Cassiano Leal cassianoleal@gmail.comwrote:

Hey Toby,

You might need to load rbenv to the shell before running bundle. The
application-rails cookbook makes this easy for you:

application "my_app" do
rails do
bundle_command ". /etc/profile.d/rbenv.sh &&
RAILS_ENV=#{node.chef_environment} bundle"

That's how I used to do. The path to the rbenv init script might not be
right -- I was using chruby --, so adjust to your environment.

On 18 February 2014 07:35, Vladimir Skubriev skubriev@cvisionlab.comwrote:

To be honest I do not know.

2014-02-18 9:15 GMT+04:00 Toby Johnson irontoby@gmail.com:

Thanks Vladimir; my apologies, I meant to mention that Ruby is

installed with rbenv, but using a "global" setup at /opt/rbenv and not in a
home directory.

I am setting up RAILS_ENV to production using the "environment"
command in the deploy_revision resource.

My database.yml is a symlink to the "shared" one
at /var/www/shared/config/database.yml. That file has restrictive
permissions (owner root:nginx with ug+r; or 0440), while all directories
from /var/www below have owner root:nginx and permissions u+rwx,g+rx; or

One point of confusion I have, is which user actually runs the "rake
db:migrate" command? I didn't see anywhere to set this using the deploy

On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 11:20 PM, Vladimir Skubriev <
skubriev@cvisionlab.com> wrote:

This is permission issue.

Or may be environment variables do not setup correctly.

I don't know application cookbook. But I has a question: where is the
ruby installed with it (in home or system ruby)?

2014-02-18 6:51 GMT+04:00 Toby Johnson irontoby@gmail.com:

I'm using the deploy cookbook to deploy a Rails app (nginx +

passenger). I'm running "bundle exec rake db:migrate --trace" during the
migration step, after the database is created. Many times this step will
fail with:

ERROR: deploy_revision[/var/www] (_site::deploy line 39) had an
error: Chef::Exceptions::Exec: bundle exec rake db:migrate --trace returned
1, expected 0

It is very frustrating because it will sometimes succeed but often
will fail. It seems like more often, when I run via knife ssh ("knife ssh
'fqdn:xxx*' 'sudo chef-client'), it will fail at the above step, then I ssh
into the actual box, start a shell as root ("sudo su -") then run
chef-client and it will succeed.

I see that the unix error code "1" means a permissions issue; is
that what I'm facing here or is rake (er, bundle I guess) just using this
as a generic error return code? Any way I can get a more specific reason as
to why the migrate is failing?

The chef-stacktrace.out file doesn't give any more specific info
about the actual db:migrate failure.

Faithfully yours,

CVision Lab System Administrator
Vladmir Skubriev

Faithfully yours,

CVision Lab System Administrator
Vladmir Skubriev