Re: RE: chef server 12 issues (Sorry, I can't find what you are looking for)

Well, I created a new knife.rb file and pointed to the new PEM. The fact
that I¹m able to do a ³knife user show USER² and seeing the message that I
successfully authenticated to the chef server suggests that I¹m able to
get to the chef server and authenticate.

However, I saw no documentation on a totally different format of knife.rb
(can¹t believe PEM files are totally different). My knife.rb looks like

log_level :debug
log_location STDOUT
node_name 'eswenson'
chef_server_url 'https://:443'
validation_client_name 'chef-validator'
chef_repo_path '/Users/eswenson/Projects/Kabuto/on_prem/chef-repo'

Where can I find documentation on the new knife.rb format?

‹ Eric

On 12/3/14, 12:57 PM, "Fouts, Chris" wrote:

Did you update your *.pem files and knife.rb to make your chef
workstation compatible with your Chef 12 server? The format is totally


-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Swenson []
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2014 3:51 PM
Subject: [chef] chef server 12 issues (Sorry, I can't find what you are
looking for)

I have been successfully using Chef with a non-hosted Chef Server for
quite some time. I recently installed a new Chef Server 12 server and the
latest ChefDK. Now, I'm unable to use the "knife cookbook upload"
command to upload cookbooks to the new Chef server. Knife displays the
HTML (ugh) response from the server, which includes the 404 HTTP status
code and helpful message: Sorry, I can't find what you are look for.

In fact, the server appears to return 404 for lots of knife commands
(e.g. "knife role list", "knife role create ROLE", "knife cookbook list",
"knife client list", etc.). It appears to work fine for "knife user show
USER" (returning my user entry) and appears to be access checking fine,
for commands like "knife user list", which tells me I'm not the pivotal
user. But why is it not allowing me to create roles and upload
cookbooks, etc?

I'd like to not have to revert to Chef 11.

Note: I installed the bare (no premium features) of Chef Server 12. As
far as I can tell, this is all that should be required.