RE: Remote file Copy from Windows Share

Hi Adam,
I’ve tried that and it seems the formatting wasn’t liked by my system.
I’ve had to alter it to this so that the appearance in the logs looks correct; using single quotes just generated errors and featured lots of slashes where slashes should not be.
The resource now looks like this;
“fname = ""“file:////#{managementServer}/server.installs/dll.drops/#{fname}”)

remote_file “d:/installs/#{fname}” do
atomic_update false
source "file:////#{managementServer}/server.installs/dll.drops/#{fname}"

Back to permission denied errors.
“Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - /server.installs/dll.drops/”

Chef Client Log is giving me;
“[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] INFO: file://
[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: Loading Recipe windows via include_recipe
[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: Found recipe default in cookbook windows
[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] INFO: Processing chef_gem[win32-api] action install (windows::default line 23)
[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-api] detected omnibus installation in C:/opscode/chef/embedded/bin
[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-api] using gem from running ruby environment
[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-api] found installed gem win32-api version 1.4.8 matching win32-api (>= 0)
[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-api] is already installed - nothing to do
[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] INFO: Processing chef_gem[win32-service] action install (windows::default line 23)
[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-service] detected omnibus installation in C:/opscode/chef/embedded/bin
[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-service] using gem from running ruby environment
[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-service] found installed gem win32-service version 0.8.2 matching win32-service (>= 0)
[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-service] is already installed - nothing to do
[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] INFO: Processing chef_gem[windows-api] action install (windows::default line 31)
[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[windows-api] detected omnibus installation in C:/opscode/chef/embedded/bin
[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[windows-api] using gem from running ruby environment
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[windows-api] found installed gem windows-api version 0.4.2 matching windows-api (>= 0)
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[windows-api] is already installed - nothing to do
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] INFO: Processing chef_gem[windows-pr] action install (windows::default line 31)
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[windows-pr] detected omnibus installation in C:/opscode/chef/embedded/bin
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[windows-pr] using gem from running ruby environment
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[windows-pr] found installed gem windows-pr version 1.2.2 matching windows-pr (>= 0)
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[windows-pr] is already installed - nothing to do
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] INFO: Processing chef_gem[win32-dir] action install (windows::default line 31)
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-dir] detected omnibus installation in C:/opscode/chef/embedded/bin
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-dir] using gem from running ruby environment
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-dir] found installed gem win32-dir version 0.4.5 matching win32-dir (>= 0)
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-dir] is already installed - nothing to do
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] INFO: Processing chef_gem[win32-event] action install (windows::default line 31)
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-event] detected omnibus installation in C:/opscode/chef/embedded/bin
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-event] using gem from running ruby environment
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-event] found installed gem win32-event version 0.6.1 matching win32-event (>= 0)
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-event] is already installed - nothing to do
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] INFO: Processing chef_gem[win32-mutex] action install (windows::default line 31)
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-mutex] detected omnibus installation in C:/opscode/chef/embedded/bin
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-mutex] using gem from running ruby environment
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-mutex] found installed gem win32-mutex version 0.4.1 matching win32-mutex (>= 0)
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-mutex] is already installed - nothing to do
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: Converging node
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] INFO: Processing remote_directory[c:/chef/handlers] action nothing (chef_handler::default line 23)
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: Skipping remote_directory[c:/chef/handlers] due to action :nothing
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] INFO: Processing cookbook_file[c:/chef/handlers/AW-ReportHandler.rb] action create (chef_handler::default line 40)
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: cookbook_file[c:/chef/handlers/AW-ReportHandler.rb] checksumming file at c:/chef/handlers/AW-ReportHandler.rb.
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] INFO: Processing chef_handler[AWHandle::SendEmail] action enable (chef_handler::default line 45)
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: AWHandle::SendEmail has not been loaded.
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] INFO: Enabling chef_handler[AWHandle::SendEmail] as a report handler
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] INFO: Enabling chef_handler[AWHandle::SendEmail] as a exception handler
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] INFO: Processing remote_file[d:/installs/] action create (AW_DLLDrop::default line 30)
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: touching d:/installs/ to create it
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] INFO: remote_file[d:/installs/] created file d:/installs/
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: remote_file[d:/installs/] checking for changes
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: remote_file[d:/installs/] staging // to C:/Users/CHALL~1.AIR/AppData/Local/Temp/7.1_HF05_Overlay_SAML_fix.zip20140807-3340-t9q63r
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] WARN: remote_file[d:/installs/] cannot be downloaded from file://// Permission denied - //
[2014-08-07T09:58:04-04:00] INFO: Running queued delayed notifications before re-raising exception
[2014-08-07T09:58:04-04:00] DEBUG: Re-raising exception: Errno::EACCES - remote_file[d:/installs/] (AW_DLLDrop::default line 30) had an error: Errno::EACCES: Permission denied - //”

Any further thoughts?


From: Adam Edwards []
Sent: 06 August 2014 19:04
Subject: [chef] RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Remote file Copy from Windows Share

So here’s an example of what I did to make remote_file work – I also added the ‘atomic_update’ attribute because at one point this was required (not sure that’s needed in latest versions of chef-client):

remote_file “c:/users/myuser/myfile.txt” do

atomic_update false

source ‘file:////server/share/file.txt’


Basically you need two additional ‘/’ chars in your url. We should probably add a path_syntax attribute to automate this…


From: []
Sent: Wednesday, August 6, 2014 10:48 AM
Subject: [chef] RE: RE: RE: RE: Remote file Copy from Windows Share

Hi Adam,
Thanks for that, it seems to have helped. Authenticating via AD seems to be working ok.
I’m now getting an error saying the dir isn’t there (which is clearly is – I have checked the paths).
I think it’s looking for the path on the local system rather that the remote one. I suspect this is me messing up some syntax :slight_smile:
Here is the section out of the recipe:

Dll drop filename (in full, no path)

ie fname = “”

fname = ""
path = “file://#{managementServer}/server.installs/dll.drops/#{fname}<file:///\#{managementServer}/server.installs/dll.drops/#{fname}>”

remote_file “d:\installs\#{fname}” do
source path

Here is the error:

remote_file(“d:\installs\”) do
Win-Node2 provider Chef::Provider::RemoteFile
Win-Node2 action "create"
Win-Node2 retries 0
Win-Node2 retry_delay 2
Win-Node2 guard_interpreter :default
Win-Node2 path "d:\installs\"
Win-Node2 backup 5
Win-Node2 atomic_update true
Win-Node2 source [“file://<file:///\\server.installs\dll.drops\>”]
Win-Node2 use_etag true
Win-Node2 use_last_modified true
Win-Node2 cookbook_name "AW_DLLDrop"
Win-Node2 recipe_name "default"
Win-Node2 end

Win-Node2 [2014-08-06T13:41:36-04:00] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to c:/chef/cache/chef-stacktrace.out
DEBUG: :relay_output_from_backend => [“Win-Node2”, “[2014-08-06T13:41:36-04:00] FATAL: Errno::ENOENT: remote_file[d:\installs\] (AW_DLLDrop::default line 28) had an error: Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - /server.installs/dll.drops/\r\n”]

From: Adam Edwards []
Sent: 06 August 2014 17:43
Subject: [chef] RE: RE: RE: Remote file Copy from Windows Share

Hmm – so you are running Chef remotely via WinRM? If that’s the case, you should add credssp to your winrm listener. You can do that with powershell by setting the value below to true:

ls WSMan:\localhost\Service\Auth\CredSSP

if that shows false, you can set it to true:

si WSMan:\localhost\Service\Auth\CredSSP $true

That should allow your credentials to do one extra hop off the machine.

From: []
Sent: Wednesday, August 6, 2014 9:38 AM
Subject: [chef] RE: RE: Remote file Copy from Windows Share

Hi Adam,
It’s windows to windows. Only the Chef server is Linux but that has little to do with anything (I think/hope).
Without Chef involvement the shares are perfectly accessible, even using the user account that chef client is run as.

Firewall is off completely and I’m using AD creds and local creds. When Chef run is performed against the two windows nodes, one will complete successfully (it is the node hosting the share) and the other node will fail with ‘authentication failed – password incorrect’ (which I think is a catch-all error).
The security log of the second node shows authentication error with a null sid.
The first node (hosting the share) shows no errors.
The security of the D:\installs folder also show effective permissions as full control for both ad login and local account.

I’m wondering if it’s something to do with the user that the chef client is run as on each node? Maybe machine localsystem? Does chef-client run with the creds that winrm provides to it or do those creds simply auth against WinRM and then localsystem takes over? Chef-Client is being run on-demand, it is not installed as a service due to the way we will be using Chef.


From: Adam Edwards []
Sent: 06 August 2014 17:09
Subject: [chef] RE: Remote file Copy from Windows Share

Christopher, to clarify a few things here:

  1.   Are you copying from a windows machine to a windows machine? Or is one of the systems a Linux system
  2.   You’re saying that even without any Chef / Ruby involved you can’t access the share?

If those things are true, I’d try the following:

  1.   Turn off the firewall
  2.   Try using credentials for a local account as well as a domain credentials
  3.   Check the security log to see if you get an audit event for a failed logon


From: []
Sent: Wednesday, August 6, 2014 7:28 AM
Subject: [chef] Remote file Copy from Windows Share

Hi Chefs
I’m having trouble again :slight_smile:

I’m trying to copy a file from a share on a windows server from a target node via chef. The purpose for it to copy dll drop files from a share and dumped into d:\installs so it can later be unzipped. At the moment I am having issues trying to connect to the share.
I’ve tried running the chef run as a local admin on the target node (which used to work), using AD creds and also a different local account to no avail.
The linux server was recently added to our domain, but this was failing before that happened.
I’ve tried a batch file mapping a drive then copy, a powershell script doing the same, native ruby and now this remote file resource. Same error everytime, it looks like a permissions error on Windows, but the file share is currently set full permission to everyone on both Share permissions and filesystem permissions.
I’m seeing NULL_SID event log entries where the auth fails, but this is on the target node, not the one that hosts the share.

Can any offer anything to look at?

Chef server is Ubuntu 14.04 using PBIS to auth via AD (might I need Samba installing now AD is in use for Auth?)
Windows nodes are running Server 2008R2 patched up-to-date. All are VM’s. All one the same AD and DNS domain.

DEBUG: :relay_output_from_backend => [“Win-Node2”, “================================================================================\r\nError executing action create on resource ‘remote_file[d:\installs\]’\r\n================================================================================\r\n\r\nErrno::EACCES\r\n-------------\r\nPermission denied - //targetserver//server.installs//dll.drops//\r\n\r\nResource Declaration:\r\n---------------------\r\n# In c:/chef/cache/cookbooks/AW_DLLDrop/recipes/default.rb\r\n\r\n 27: remote_file “d:\\installs\\#{fname}” do \r\n 28: source “file:////#{managementServer}//server.installs//dll.drops//#{fname}<file:///\#{managementServer}//server.installs//dll.drops//#{fname}>”\r\n 29: end\r\n 30: \r\n\r\nCompiled Resource:\r\n------------------\r\n# Declared in c:/chef/cache/cookbooks/AW_DLLDrop/recipes/default.rb:27:in `from_file’\r\n\r\nremote_file(“d:\installs\”) do\r\n provider Chef::Provider::RemoteFile\r\n action “create”\r\n retries 0\r\n retry_delay 2\r\n guard_interpreter :default\r\n path “d:\\installs\\”\r\n backup 5\r\n atomic_update true\r\n source [“file:////targetserver//server.installs//dll.drops//<file:///\targetserver\server.installs\dll.drops\>”]\r\n use_etag true\r\n use_last_modified true\r\n cookbook_name “AW_DLLDrop”\r\n recipe_name “default”\r\nend\r\n\r\n”]”


Actually, forget all that, I think it know it is.
Seems to be an issue parsing the path and converting into windows.
If I use this path: \
I get the following error using the same path on the node in question:
I’ve tried a couple of permutations but I cannot get it to parse /server without hiding /s as it’s a special char. I’ve tried escaping with an additional forward or backward slash to no avail.

Any suggestions? I’ve seen there is a bug related to parsing with the chef-client on windows.

From: []
Sent: 07 August 2014 15:01
Subject: [chef] RE: Remote file Copy from Windows Share

Hi Adam,
I’ve tried that and it seems the formatting wasn’t liked by my system.
I’ve had to alter it to this so that the appearance in the logs looks correct; using single quotes just generated errors and featured lots of slashes where slashes should not be.
The resource now looks like this;
“fname = ""“file:////#{managementServer}/server.installs/dll.drops/#{fname}<file:///\#{managementServer}/server.installs/dll.drops/#{fname}>”)

remote_file “d:/installs/#{fname}” do
atomic_update false
source "file:////#{managementServer}/server.installs/dll.drops/#{fname}<file:///\#{managementServer}/server.installs/dll.drops/#{fname}>"

Back to permission denied errors.
“Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - /server.installs/dll.drops/”

Chef Client Log is giving me;
“[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] INFO: file://<file:///\\server.installs\dll.drops\>
[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: Loading Recipe windows via include_recipe
[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: Found recipe default in cookbook windows
[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] INFO: Processing chef_gem[win32-api] action install (windows::default line 23)
[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-api] detected omnibus installation in C:/opscode/chef/embedded/bin
[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-api] using gem from running ruby environment
[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-api] found installed gem win32-api version 1.4.8 matching win32-api (>= 0)
[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-api] is already installed - nothing to do
[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] INFO: Processing chef_gem[win32-service] action install (windows::default line 23)
[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-service] detected omnibus installation in C:/opscode/chef/embedded/bin
[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-service] using gem from running ruby environment
[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-service] found installed gem win32-service version 0.8.2 matching win32-service (>= 0)
[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-service] is already installed - nothing to do
[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] INFO: Processing chef_gem[windows-api] action install (windows::default line 31)
[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[windows-api] detected omnibus installation in C:/opscode/chef/embedded/bin
[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[windows-api] using gem from running ruby environment
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[windows-api] found installed gem windows-api version 0.4.2 matching windows-api (>= 0)
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[windows-api] is already installed - nothing to do
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] INFO: Processing chef_gem[windows-pr] action install (windows::default line 31)
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[windows-pr] detected omnibus installation in C:/opscode/chef/embedded/bin
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[windows-pr] using gem from running ruby environment
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[windows-pr] found installed gem windows-pr version 1.2.2 matching windows-pr (>= 0)
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[windows-pr] is already installed - nothing to do
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] INFO: Processing chef_gem[win32-dir] action install (windows::default line 31)
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-dir] detected omnibus installation in C:/opscode/chef/embedded/bin
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-dir] using gem from running ruby environment
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-dir] found installed gem win32-dir version 0.4.5 matching win32-dir (>= 0)
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-dir] is already installed - nothing to do
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] INFO: Processing chef_gem[win32-event] action install (windows::default line 31)
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-event] detected omnibus installation in C:/opscode/chef/embedded/bin
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-event] using gem from running ruby environment
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-event] found installed gem win32-event version 0.6.1 matching win32-event (>= 0)
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-event] is already installed - nothing to do
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] INFO: Processing chef_gem[win32-mutex] action install (windows::default line 31)
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-mutex] detected omnibus installation in C:/opscode/chef/embedded/bin
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-mutex] using gem from running ruby environment
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-mutex] found installed gem win32-mutex version 0.4.1 matching win32-mutex (>= 0)
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-mutex] is already installed - nothing to do
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: Converging node
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] INFO: Processing remote_directory[c:/chef/handlers] action nothing (chef_handler::default line 23)
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: Skipping remote_directory[c:/chef/handlers] due to action :nothing
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] INFO: Processing cookbook_file[c:/chef/handlers/AW-ReportHandler.rb] action create (chef_handler::default line 40)
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: cookbook_file[c:/chef/handlers/AW-ReportHandler.rb] checksumming file at c:/chef/handlers/AW-ReportHandler.rb.
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] INFO: Processing chef_handler[AWHandle::SendEmail] action enable (chef_handler::default line 45)
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: AWHandle::SendEmail has not been loaded.
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] INFO: Enabling chef_handler[AWHandle::SendEmail] as a report handler
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] INFO: Enabling chef_handler[AWHandle::SendEmail] as a exception handler
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] INFO: Processing remote_file[d:/installs/] action create (AW_DLLDrop::default line 30)
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: touching d:/installs/ to create it
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] INFO: remote_file[d:/installs/] created file d:/installs/
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: remote_file[d:/installs/] checking for changes
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: remote_file[d:/installs/] staging // to C:/Users/CHALL~1.AIR/AppData/Local/Temp/7.1_HF05_Overlay_SAML_fix.zip20140807-3340-t9q63r
[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] WARN: remote_file[d:/installs/] cannot be downloaded from file:////<file:///\\server.installs\dll.drops\>: Permission denied - //
[2014-08-07T09:58:04-04:00] INFO: Running queued delayed notifications before re-raising exception
[2014-08-07T09:58:04-04:00] DEBUG: Re-raising exception: Errno::EACCES - remote_file[d:/installs/] (AW_DLLDrop::default line 30) had an error: Errno::EACCES: Permission denied - //”

Any further thoughts?


From: Adam Edwards []
Sent: 06 August 2014 19:04
Subject: [chef] RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Remote file Copy from Windows Share

So here’s an example of what I did to make remote_file work – I also added the ‘atomic_update’ attribute because at one point this was required (not sure that’s needed in latest versions of chef-client):

remote_file “c:/users/myuser/myfile.txt” do

atomic_update false

source ‘file:////server/share/file.txt’


Basically you need two additional ‘/’ chars in your url. We should probably add a path_syntax attribute to automate this…


From: []
Sent: Wednesday, August 6, 2014 10:48 AM
Subject: [chef] RE: RE: RE: RE: Remote file Copy from Windows Share

Hi Adam,
Thanks for that, it seems to have helped. Authenticating via AD seems to be working ok.
I’m now getting an error saying the dir isn’t there (which is clearly is – I have checked the paths).
I think it’s looking for the path on the local system rather that the remote one. I suspect this is me messing up some syntax :slight_smile:
Here is the section out of the recipe:

Dll drop filename (in full, no path)

ie fname = “”

fname = ""
path = “file://#{managementServer}/server.installs/dll.drops/#{fname}<file:///\#{managementServer}/server.installs/dll.drops/#{fname}>”

remote_file “d:\installs\#{fname}” do
source path

Here is the error:

remote_file(“d:\installs\”) do
Win-Node2 provider Chef::Provider::RemoteFile
Win-Node2 action "create"
Win-Node2 retries 0
Win-Node2 retry_delay 2
Win-Node2 guard_interpreter :default
Win-Node2 path "d:\installs\"
Win-Node2 backup 5
Win-Node2 atomic_update true
Win-Node2 source [“file://<file:///\\server.installs\dll.drops\>”]
Win-Node2 use_etag true
Win-Node2 use_last_modified true
Win-Node2 cookbook_name "AW_DLLDrop"
Win-Node2 recipe_name "default"
Win-Node2 end

Win-Node2 [2014-08-06T13:41:36-04:00] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to c:/chef/cache/chef-stacktrace.out
DEBUG: :relay_output_from_backend => [“Win-Node2”, “[2014-08-06T13:41:36-04:00] FATAL: Errno::ENOENT: remote_file[d:\installs\] (AW_DLLDrop::default line 28) had an error: Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - /server.installs/dll.drops/\r\n”]

From: Adam Edwards []
Sent: 06 August 2014 17:43
Subject: [chef] RE: RE: RE: Remote file Copy from Windows Share

Hmm – so you are running Chef remotely via WinRM? If that’s the case, you should add credssp to your winrm listener. You can do that with powershell by setting the value below to true:

ls WSMan:\localhost\Service\Auth\CredSSP

if that shows false, you can set it to true:

si WSMan:\localhost\Service\Auth\CredSSP $true

That should allow your credentials to do one extra hop off the machine.

From: []
Sent: Wednesday, August 6, 2014 9:38 AM
Subject: [chef] RE: RE: Remote file Copy from Windows Share

Hi Adam,
It’s windows to windows. Only the Chef server is Linux but that has little to do with anything (I think/hope).
Without Chef involvement the shares are perfectly accessible, even using the user account that chef client is run as.

Firewall is off completely and I’m using AD creds and local creds. When Chef run is performed against the two windows nodes, one will complete successfully (it is the node hosting the share) and the other node will fail with ‘authentication failed – password incorrect’ (which I think is a catch-all error).
The security log of the second node shows authentication error with a null sid.
The first node (hosting the share) shows no errors.
The security of the D:\installs folder also show effective permissions as full control for both ad login and local account.

I’m wondering if it’s something to do with the user that the chef client is run as on each node? Maybe machine localsystem? Does chef-client run with the creds that winrm provides to it or do those creds simply auth against WinRM and then localsystem takes over? Chef-Client is being run on-demand, it is not installed as a service due to the way we will be using Chef.


From: Adam Edwards []
Sent: 06 August 2014 17:09
Subject: [chef] RE: Remote file Copy from Windows Share

Christopher, to clarify a few things here:

  1.   Are you copying from a windows machine to a windows machine? Or is one of the systems a Linux system
  2.   You’re saying that even without any Chef / Ruby involved you can’t access the share?

If those things are true, I’d try the following:

  1.   Turn off the firewall
  2.   Try using credentials for a local account as well as a domain credentials
  3.   Check the security log to see if you get an audit event for a failed logon


From: []
Sent: Wednesday, August 6, 2014 7:28 AM
Subject: [chef] Remote file Copy from Windows Share

Hi Chefs
I’m having trouble again :slight_smile:

I’m trying to copy a file from a share on a windows server from a target node via chef. The purpose for it to copy dll drop files from a share and dumped into d:\installs so it can later be unzipped. At the moment I am having issues trying to connect to the share.
I’ve tried running the chef run as a local admin on the target node (which used to work), using AD creds and also a different local account to no avail.
The linux server was recently added to our domain, but this was failing before that happened.
I’ve tried a batch file mapping a drive then copy, a powershell script doing the same, native ruby and now this remote file resource. Same error everytime, it looks like a permissions error on Windows, but the file share is currently set full permission to everyone on both Share permissions and filesystem permissions.
I’m seeing NULL_SID event log entries where the auth fails, but this is on the target node, not the one that hosts the share.

Can any offer anything to look at?

Chef server is Ubuntu 14.04 using PBIS to auth via AD (might I need Samba installing now AD is in use for Auth?)
Windows nodes are running Server 2008R2 patched up-to-date. All are VM’s. All one the same AD and DNS domain.

DEBUG: :relay_output_from_backend => [“Win-Node2”, “================================================================================\r\nError executing action create on resource ‘remote_file[d:\installs\]’\r\n================================================================================\r\n\r\nErrno::EACCES\r\n-------------\r\nPermission denied - //targetserver//server.installs//dll.drops//\r\n\r\nResource Declaration:\r\n---------------------\r\n# In c:/chef/cache/cookbooks/AW_DLLDrop/recipes/default.rb\r\n\r\n 27: remote_file “d:\\installs\\#{fname}” do \r\n 28: source “file:////#{managementServer}//server.installs//dll.drops//#{fname}<file:///\#{managementServer}//server.installs//dll.drops//#{fname}>”\r\n 29: end\r\n 30: \r\n\r\nCompiled Resource:\r\n------------------\r\n# Declared in c:/chef/cache/cookbooks/AW_DLLDrop/recipes/default.rb:27:in `from_file’\r\n\r\nremote_file(“d:\installs\”) do\r\n provider Chef::Provider::RemoteFile\r\n action “create”\r\n retries 0\r\n retry_delay 2\r\n guard_interpreter :default\r\n path “d:\\installs\\”\r\n backup 5\r\n atomic_update true\r\n source [“file:////targetserver//server.installs//dll.drops//<file:///\targetserver\server.installs\dll.drops\>”]\r\n use_etag true\r\n use_last_modified true\r\n cookbook_name “AW_DLLDrop”\r\n recipe_name “default”\r\nend\r\n\r\n”]”


I usually use xcopy to get data from shares...

To copy files from a folder
Chef::Log.warn("I need to copy: "+z[:app_name])
Chef::Log.warn("From: "+default_app_web_sources_path)
Chef::Log.warn("To: "+default_app_web_path)
COPY = "xcopy "+default_app_web_sources_path+z[:app_name]+".7z
"+default_app_web_path+" /s /e"
Chef::Log.warn("COPY: "+COPY)

unless File.exists?(default_app_web_path+z[:app_name])
batch 'populate_web_app' do
code COPY
action :run

To copy all folder content
Chef::Log.warn("I need to copy: "+z[:folder])
Chef::Log.warn("From: "+default_dlls_sources_path)
Chef::Log.warn("To: "+default_dlls_path)
COPY = "xcopy "+default_dlls_sources_path+z[:folder]+"
"+default_dlls_path+z[:folder]+"\ /s /e"
Chef::Log.warn("COPY: "+COPY)

unless File.exists?(default_dlls_path+z[:folder])
batch 'populate_dlls' do
code COPY
action :run

For debugging i always print the command in the chef-client execution, and
then execute it in the CLI.


On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 4:22 PM, <> wrote:

Actually, forget all that, I think it know it is.

Seems to be an issue parsing the path and converting into windows.

If I use this path: \

I get the following error using the same path on the node in question:

I’ve tried a couple of permutations but I cannot get it to parse /server
without hiding /s as it’s a special char. I’ve tried escaping with an
additional forward or backward slash to no avail.

Any suggestions? I’ve seen there is a bug related to parsing with the
chef-client on windows.

From: [mailto:]
Sent: 07 August 2014 15:01

Subject: [chef] RE: Remote file Copy from Windows Share

Hi Adam,

I’ve tried that and it seems the formatting wasn’t liked by my system.

I’ve had to alter it to this so that the appearance in the logs looks
correct; using single quotes just generated errors and featured lots of
slashes where slashes should not be.

The resource now looks like this;

“fname = """

remote_file "d:/installs/#{fname}" do

atomic_update false

source "file:////#{managementServer}/server.installs/dll.drops/#{fname}"


Back to permission denied errors.

“Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory -

Chef Client Log is giving me;

“[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] INFO:

[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: Loading Recipe windows via

[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: Found recipe default in cookbook windows

[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] INFO: Processing chef_gem[win32-api] action
install (windows::default line 23)

[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-api] detected omnibus
installation in C:/opscode/chef/embedded/bin

[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-api] using gem from
running ruby environment

[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-api] found installed gem
win32-api version 1.4.8 matching win32-api (>= 0)

[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-api] is already
installed - nothing to do

[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] INFO: Processing chef_gem[win32-service]
action install (windows::default line 23)

[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-service] detected
omnibus installation in C:/opscode/chef/embedded/bin

[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-service] using gem from
running ruby environment

[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-service] found installed
gem win32-service version 0.8.2 matching win32-service (>= 0)

[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-service] is already
installed - nothing to do

[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] INFO: Processing chef_gem[windows-api] action
install (windows::default line 31)

[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[windows-api] detected omnibus
installation in C:/opscode/chef/embedded/bin

[2014-08-07T09:58:02-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[windows-api] using gem from
running ruby environment

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[windows-api] found installed
gem windows-api version 0.4.2 matching windows-api (>= 0)

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[windows-api] is already
installed - nothing to do

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] INFO: Processing chef_gem[windows-pr] action
install (windows::default line 31)

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[windows-pr] detected omnibus
installation in C:/opscode/chef/embedded/bin

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[windows-pr] using gem from
running ruby environment

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[windows-pr] found installed
gem windows-pr version 1.2.2 matching windows-pr (>= 0)

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[windows-pr] is already
installed - nothing to do

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] INFO: Processing chef_gem[win32-dir] action
install (windows::default line 31)

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-dir] detected omnibus
installation in C:/opscode/chef/embedded/bin

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-dir] using gem from
running ruby environment

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-dir] found installed gem
win32-dir version 0.4.5 matching win32-dir (>= 0)

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-dir] is already
installed - nothing to do

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] INFO: Processing chef_gem[win32-event] action
install (windows::default line 31)

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-event] detected omnibus
installation in C:/opscode/chef/embedded/bin

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-event] using gem from
running ruby environment

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-event] found installed
gem win32-event version 0.6.1 matching win32-event (>= 0)

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-event] is already
installed - nothing to do

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] INFO: Processing chef_gem[win32-mutex] action
install (windows::default line 31)

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-mutex] detected omnibus
installation in C:/opscode/chef/embedded/bin

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-mutex] using gem from
running ruby environment

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-mutex] found installed
gem win32-mutex version 0.4.1 matching win32-mutex (>= 0)

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: chef_gem[win32-mutex] is already
installed - nothing to do

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: Converging node

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] INFO: Processing
remote_directory[c:/chef/handlers] action nothing (chef_handler::default
line 23)

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: Skipping
remote_directory[c:/chef/handlers] due to action :nothing

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] INFO: Processing
cookbook_file[c:/chef/handlers/AW-ReportHandler.rb] action create
(chef_handler::default line 40)

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG:
cookbook_file[c:/chef/handlers/AW-ReportHandler.rb] checksumming file at

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] INFO: Processing
chef_handler[AWHandle::SendEmail] action enable (chef_handler::default line

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: AWHandle::SendEmail has not been loaded.

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] INFO: Enabling
chef_handler[AWHandle::SendEmail] as a report handler

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] INFO: Enabling
chef_handler[AWHandle::SendEmail] as a exception handler

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] INFO: Processing
remote_file[d:/installs/] action create
(AW_DLLDrop::default line 30)

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG: touching
d:/installs/ to create it

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] INFO:
remote_file[d:/installs/] created file

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG:
remote_file[d:/installs/] checking for changes

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] DEBUG:
remote_file[d:/installs/] staging //

[2014-08-07T09:58:03-04:00] WARN:
remote_file[d:/installs/] cannot be downloaded
Permission denied - //

[2014-08-07T09:58:04-04:00] INFO: Running queued delayed notifications
before re-raising exception

[2014-08-07T09:58:04-04:00] DEBUG: Re-raising exception: Errno::EACCES -
remote_file[d:/installs/] (AW_DLLDrop::default
line 30) had an error: Errno::EACCES: Permission denied - //

Any further thoughts?



From: Adam Edwards []
Sent: 06 August 2014 19:04
Subject: [chef] RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Remote file Copy from Windows Share

So here’s an example of what I did to make remote_file work – I also added
the ‘atomic_update’ attribute because at one point this was required (not
sure that’s needed in latest versions of chef-client):

remote_file "c:/users/myuser/myfile.txt" do

atomic_update false

source 'file:////server/share/file.txt'


Basically you need two additional ‘/’ chars in your url. We should
probably add a path_syntax attribute to automate this…


From: [mailto:]
Sent: Wednesday, August 6, 2014 10:48 AM
Subject: [chef] RE: RE: RE: RE: Remote file Copy from Windows Share

Hi Adam,

Thanks for that, it seems to have helped. Authenticating via AD seems to
be working ok.

I’m now getting an error saying the dir isn’t there (which is clearly is –
I have checked the paths).

I think it’s looking for the path on the local system rather that the
remote one. I suspect this is me messing up some syntax J

Here is the section out of the recipe:

Dll drop filename (in full, no path)

ie fname = ""

fname = ""

path = "file://#{managementServer}/server.installs/dll.drops/#{fname}"

remote_file "d:\installs\#{fname}" do

source path


Here is the error:

remote_file("d:\installs\") do

Win-Node2 provider Chef::Provider::RemoteFile

Win-Node2 action "create"

Win-Node2 retries 0

Win-Node2 retry_delay 2

Win-Node2 guard_interpreter :default

Win-Node2 path "d:\installs\"

Win-Node2 backup 5

Win-Node2 atomic_update true

Win-Node2 source ["

Win-Node2 use_etag true

Win-Node2 use_last_modified true

Win-Node2 cookbook_name "AW_DLLDrop"

Win-Node2 recipe_name "default"

Win-Node2 end

Win-Node2 [2014-08-06T13:41:36-04:00] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to

DEBUG: :relay_output_from_backend => ["Win-Node2",
"[2014-08-06T13:41:36-04:00] FATAL: Errno::ENOENT:
(AW_DLLDrop::default line 28) had an error: Errno::ENOENT: No such file or
directory - /server.installs/dll.drops/\r\n"]

From: Adam Edwards []
Sent: 06 August 2014 17:43
Subject: [chef] RE: RE: RE: Remote file Copy from Windows Share

Hmm – so you are running Chef remotely via WinRM? If that’s the case, you
should add credssp to your winrm listener. You can do that with powershell
by setting the value below to true:

ls WSMan:\localhost\Service\Auth\CredSSP

if that shows false, you can set it to true:

si WSMan:\localhost\Service\Auth\CredSSP $true

That should allow your credentials to do one extra hop off the machine.

From: [mailto:]
Sent: Wednesday, August 6, 2014 9:38 AM
Subject: [chef] RE: RE: Remote file Copy from Windows Share

Hi Adam,

It’s windows to windows. Only the Chef server is Linux but that has
little to do with anything (I think/hope).

Without Chef involvement the shares are perfectly accessible, even using
the user account that chef client is run as.

Firewall is off completely and I’m using AD creds and local creds. When
Chef run is performed against the two windows nodes, one will complete
successfully (it is the node hosting the share) and the other node will
fail with ‘authentication failed – password incorrect’ (which I think is a
catch-all error).

The security log of the second node shows authentication error with a null

The first node (hosting the share) shows no errors.

The security of the D:\installs folder also show effective permissions
as full control for both ad login and local account.

I’m wondering if it’s something to do with the user that the chef client
is run as on each node? Maybe machine localsystem? Does chef-client run
with the creds that winrm provides to it or do those creds simply auth
against WinRM and then localsystem takes over? Chef-Client is being run
on-demand, it is not installed as a service due to the way we will be using



From: Adam Edwards []
Sent: 06 August 2014 17:09
Subject: [chef] RE: Remote file Copy from Windows Share

Christopher, to clarify a few things here:

  1.   Are you copying from a windows machine to a windows machine? Or

is one of the systems a Linux system

  1.   You’re saying that even without any Chef / Ruby involved you

can’t access the share?

If those things are true, I’d try the following:

  1.   Turn off the firewall
  2.   Try using credentials for a local account as well as a domain


  1.   Check the security log to see if you get an audit event for a

failed logon


From: [mailto:]
Sent: Wednesday, August 6, 2014 7:28 AM
Subject: [chef] Remote file Copy from Windows Share

Hi Chefs

I’m having trouble again J

I’m trying to copy a file from a share on a windows server from a target
node via chef. The purpose for it to copy dll drop files from a share and
dumped into d:\installs so it can later be unzipped. At the moment I am
having issues trying to connect to the share.

I’ve tried running the chef run as a local admin on the target node (which
used to work), using AD creds and also a different local account to no

The linux server was recently added to our domain, but this was failing
before that happened.

I’ve tried a batch file mapping a drive then copy, a powershell script
doing the same, native ruby and now this remote file resource. Same error
everytime, it looks like a permissions error on Windows, but the file share
is currently set full permission to everyone on both Share permissions and
filesystem permissions.

I’m seeing NULL_SID event log entries where the auth fails, but this is on
the target node, not the one that hosts the share.

Can any offer anything to look at?

Chef server is Ubuntu 14.04 using PBIS to auth via AD (might I need Samba
installing now AD is in use for Auth?)

Windows nodes are running Server 2008R2 patched up-to-date. All are VM’s.
All one the same AD and DNS domain.


DEBUG: :relay_output_from_backend => ["Win-Node2",
executing action `create` on resource
denied -
Declaration:\r\n---------------------\r\n# In
c:/chef/cache/cookbooks/AW_DLLDrop/recipes/default.rb\r\n\r\n 27:
remote_file "d:\\installs\\#{fname}" do \r\n 28: source "
29: end\r\n 30: \r\n\r\nCompiled Resource:\r\n------------------\r\n#
Declared in c:/chef/cache/cookbooks/AW_DLLDrop/recipes/default.rb:27:in
do\r\n provider Chef::Provider::RemoteFile\r\n action "create"\r\n
retries 0\r\n retry_delay 2\r\n guard_interpreter :default\r\n path
"d:\\installs\\"\r\n backup 5\r\n
atomic_update true\r\n source ["
use_etag true\r\n use_last_modified true\r\n cookbook_name
"AW_DLLDrop"\r\n recipe_name "default"\r\nend\r\n\r\n"]”

