I rebuilt the slice using intrepid and followed the instructions to the
letter but it hung on:
[Thu, 25 Jun 2009 06:17:11 +0000] INFO: Installing package[couchdb] version
I'm giving a talk on the Chef to the Melbourne Ruby group so I've been
trying to get it working again before then. 
It's OK, I need to head out now. I have a spare chef server at home and have
setup forwarding from my router so I can demo using that tonight.
I'll try out your change ASAP.
On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 4:16 PM, Scott Likens scott@likens.us wrote:
Hi Mike,
If you could please cd
then open up production.rb
line 6,
c[:log_file] = '/var/log/chef/server.log'
I tried initially c[:log_file] = Chef::Config[:log_location].to_s
Also should work, I'm not sure which one is cleaner or the other.
I'm not sure if there's a ticket open on this; however if there isn't there
should be one.
On Jun 24, 2009, at 10:15 PM, Mike Bailey wrote:
The same installation script that worked for me previously is broken with
Here's the server (showing errors): https://chef.failmode.com/
Here's a screenshot:
Skitch | Evernote
Any ideas?
- Mike