Hello Chefs!
In today’s Food Fight Show Newsletter [0], we included some information
about Speaking Opportunities.
A big part of DevOps is sharing your knowledge and experiences with your
peers. You’ve got a great story or two to share about Chef and how
automation has transformed the way you work. Why not share that at your
local meetup group or by submitting a talk to a technical conference?
I have updated the Community Events [1] section of the Opscode wiki to
include more information about meetups, conferences, and Opscode training
events that are coming up.
We’ve also added a page that lists all upcoming Technical Conferences that
will include talks about Chef, talks by Opscode employees, and / or are
sponsored by Opscode. [2]
This page [2] includes some information about how Opscode will support
your presentations and lists some of the calls for presenters that we
think might interest you. Watch the page for updates and contribute to it
We look forward to attending your awesome talks throughout the year!
Oh, by the way, the Food Fight Show now has a newsletter that you can
subscribe to [3].
[0] - http://eepurl.com/tGEI1
[1] - http://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef/Community+Events
[2] - http://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef/Technical+Conferences
[3] - http://bit.ly/ffsmail