Thank you and Happy Holidays!

2016 has been another awesome year for the Chef Community. Thank you for being part of this community.

We've seen new tooling, like InSpec and Habitat, new collaboration tools, like our Chef Community Slack team, and awesome conferences, like ChefConf, Community Summits, and countless meetups and other local events.

We've seen new contributors, have accepted many RFCs, and are continually making improvements to both our open source and commercial offerings. More importantly, you're succeeding with Chef!

We are continually striving to create an inclusive, welcome, and diverse community for everyone. We strive to follow the ubuntu philosophy that Adam discussed in his ChefConf keynote:

I am because you are
When you suffer, I suffer
When you thrive, I thrive

I'd like to wish you and your family a very happy holiday season and great success in the new year. Our community is better because you are a part of it. Thank you.

Happy Holidays!

P.S. I would come give each and everyone of you a hug between now and the end of the year if I could. Since that's not really feasible, I'll just have to leave you with a #Hugops video.