Reaffirming the Chef Community Guidelines

Many of us in the Chef community today woke up surprised by the results of a very divisive election that comes at the end of a long campaign process.

As I reflect on the campaign, the results of the election, and the feelings of many around me, I take comfort in knowing our Community Guidelines are a true reflection of what we believe and strive for in this community.

Paraphrasing and excerpting from these guidelines, I would like to reaffirm some of those beliefs here:

  • Diversity is one of our biggest strengths.
  • We are welcoming, inclusive, friendly, and patient.
  • We are considerate.
  • We are respectful.
  • We are professional.
  • We are careful in the words that we choose.
  • When we disagree, we all work together to understand why.

YOU are welcome here!

Borrowing from the ubuntu philosophy:

I am because you are.
When you suffer, I suffer.
When you thrive, I thrive.

We are here for each other. Look out for one another, protect each other, and reach out for any help you need.

Thank you for making the Chef community an inclusive, safe, welcoming space for everyone who participates.

Nathen Harvey
VP, Community Development