Upgrading chef-manage from 2.4.3 to 2.4.5


I’m trying to up grade chef-manage to the latest version to mitigate against the security issue here,
Chef Manage 2.4.5 Security Release

I’ve run the follow commands as root to upgrade, with chef-manage_2.4.5-1_amd64.deb residing in /root/packages
chef-server-ctl install chef-manage --path /root/packages
chef-server-ctl reconfigure
chef-manage-ctl reconfigure

The output of version-manifest.txt still says 2.4.3
cat /opt/chef-manage/version-manifest.txt
chef-manage 2.4.3

Component Installed Version Version GUID Overridden From
chef-manage 2.4.3
chef-manage-changelog 2.4.3
chef-manage-cookbooks 2.4.3
chef-manage-ctl 2.4.3

If I try run the upgrade again it says already at the latest version.

Any ideas of how to fix this or actually install the latest version?


Turns out the documentation doesn’t work but using dpkg to install does.

  • sudo dpkg -i chef-manage_2.5.15-1_amd64.deb
  • sudo chef-manage-ctl reconfigure
  • sudo chef-server-ctl reconfigure