For a few weeks, our Windows architect has been working on a ‘wabtec_ad_join’ cookbook that is just for our Window EC2 server builds. Per the pipeline in GitLab, he had only been manually running the windows build portion. Today, I was updating the ‘wabtec_carbonblack’ cookbook (which affects both windows and linux) and when I ran the CI/CD pipeline in our Gitlab, it errored out do to the following message:
Building policy wabtec_base_tools
Expanded run list: recipe[wabtec_chef_service_user], recipe[wabtec_cloudwatch_logs], recipe[wabtec_logrotate], recipe[wabtec_secrets], recipe[wabtec_timezone], recipe[wabtec_datadog], recipe[wabtec_carbonblack], recipe[wabtec_nessus], recipe[wabtec_ad_join]
Caching Cookbooks...
WARN: habitat cookbook missing metadata or no name field, skipping
WARN: policyfiles cookbook missing metadata or no name field, skipping
WARN: recipes cookbook missing metadata or no name field, skipping
WARN: results cookbook missing metadata or no name field, skipping
WARN: spec cookbook missing metadata or no name field, skipping
WARN: test cookbook missing metadata or no name field, skipping
Error: Failed to generate Policyfile.lock
Reason: (Solve::Errors::NoSolutionError) Unable to satisfy the following requirements:
wabtec_ad_join (>= 0.0.0)
required byuser-specified dependency
wabtec_base_tools: Build time: 1m18s
wabtec_base_tools: Exiting on error
What do I need to do to resolve this error so that our Linux builds will complete? The Windows builds work just fine.