Vagrant-omnibus 1.0.2 released


I just released vagrant-omnibus 1.0.2.

Highlights from this release include:

  • Bug fix that ensures plugin operates idempotently, which is to say
    it only installs Chef Omnibus if that version isn’t already installed).
    This fixes [GH-2] for realz.
  • Full support for the Rackspace provider (including an acceptance test).
  • Parameterize the acceptance test Rake task, this allows you to run the
    acceptance tests against a single provider.
  • Unit test coverage for the VagrantPlugins::Omnibus::Config class.

You can install the updated plugin by running:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus

Full CHANGELOG is available here:

Seth Chisamore
Software Development Engineer, Opscode, Inc.
IRC, Twitter, GitHub: schisamo