Vagrant-omnibus 1.0.1 released


I just released vagrant-omnibus 1.0.1. For those that don’t know, vagrant-omnibus is Vagrant plugin that ensures the desired version of Chef is installed via the platform-specific Omnibus packages from Opscode. This proves very useful when using Vagrant with provisioner-less baseboxes OR cloud images!

Highlights from this release include:

  • Plugin now correctly operates in “no-op” mode if "config.omnibus.chef_version"
    is not present in the Vagrantfile. [GH-3]
  • Resolve latest to a real Chef version. This ensures the plugin does not
    attempt to re-install Chef on subsequent provisions. [GH-2]
  • Validate user provided value for omnibus.chef_version is in fact a real Chef
    version. [GH-4]

You can install the updated plugin by running:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus

Full CHANGELOG is available here:

Seth Chisamore
Software Development Engineer, Opscode, Inc.
IRC, Twitter, GitHub: schisamo