I wanted to make a general Vagrantfile for Berkshelf cookbooks that you
could provision in solo or w/ chef-client. I also wanted it to just read my
chef-client configuration from knife.rb. That turned into a wild dance of
gem dependency incompatibilities. I made a gist with my Vagrantfile and
Gemfile so no one else has to figure it out.
I wanted to make a general Vagrantfile for Berkshelf cookbooks that you could provision in solo or w/ chef-client. I also wanted it to just read my chef-client configuration from knife.rb. That turned into a wild dance of gem dependency incompatibilities. I made a gist with my Vagrantfile and Gemfile so no one else has to figure it out.
I wanted to make a general Vagrantfile for Berkshelf cookbooks that you
could provision in solo or w/ chef-client. I also wanted it to just read my
chef-client configuration from knife.rb. That turned into a wild dance of
gem dependency incompatibilities. I made a gist with my Vagrantfile and
Gemfile so no one else has to figure it out.
I wanted to make a general Vagrantfile for Berkshelf cookbooks that you
could provision in solo or w/ chef-client. I also wanted it to just read my
chef-client configuration from knife.rb. That turned into a wild dance of
gem dependency incompatibilities. I made a gist with my Vagrantfile and
Gemfile so no one else has to figure it out.