Hi all,
I hope it is not a stupid question, but it is extremely hard to google the answer due to noise in search result
Here is the vagrant file: https://github.com/sensu/sensu-chef/blob/master/examples/Vagrantfile https://github.com/sensu/sensu-chef/blob/master/examples/Vagrantfile
In the file you will see these settings:
chef.add_recipe "monitor::master"
chef.add_recipe "monitor::redis"
chef.add_recipe "monitor::rabbitmq"
I want to know
Does ‘monitor::xxx’ has any special meaning here? Does it mean a redis recipe under a namespace ‘monitor’?
where are these recipes stored? I went to the getchef.com but there is not search functionality in the website. I visited https://github.com/opscode-cookbooks https://github.com/opscode-cookbooks but it is not obvious to me which one is a recipe repository
Any pointer is appreciated
Cheers, Tony