WinRMHTTPTransportError during bootstrapping

Hi All,

I have written a customized java cookbook for my environment , I am
installing/configuring java with the below command.
knife bootstrap windows winrm 10.x.x.x -x administrator -P ***** -r

once the chef client is installed on the target machine, I am getting the
error message as
ERROR: WinRM::WinRMHTTPTransportError: Unable to parse WinRM response:
#<ArgumentError: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8>

Do I need to make any changes and where??

attached is the log trace for the above command.


This could be due to a problem in chef old winrm gem. Update the gem, configure node by enabling telnet service and run winrm config -q and try bootstrapping the node Note there are few problems while bootstrapping win7 and earlier servers of 2012.

Did you tried by enclosing the password with single quotes?

knife bootstrap windows winrm 10.x.x.x -x administrator -P ‘*****’ -r ‘role[java]’

Based on the description of this error, it does not sound related to incorrect login or some of the encoding issues recently fixed. Its odd that the chef install succeeded. That proves that winrm was working earlier in the run. It would have failed if you were unable to authenticate or winrm was not up.

The error you have:

WinRM::WinRMHTTPTransportError: Unable to parse WinRM response:

Indicates that the winrm service HTTP request returned an invalid xml response. Unfortunately its currently har to get at the raw response without either hacking the local winrm gem or using a packet sniffer like wireshark to see the actual response returned.

I did not see an attached log trace, but do you see the chef client start and the cookbook begin to converge at all? Or does it die immediately after chef installs?