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Ohai, Chefs!
As mentioned in our announcement of Chef packages in Ubuntu’s Karmic
Koala release, we are working on getting Chef and its dependencies in
various Debian and Ubuntu releases. We also said we would create an
APT repository, and now following distribution releases are available:
Ubuntu 9.10 "Karmic Koala"
Ubuntu 9.04 "Jaunty Jackalope"
Ubuntu 8.10 "Intrepid Ibex"
Ubuntu 8.04 (LTS) "Hardy Heron"
Debian 5 lenny/squeeze/sid (see below)
This repository will have the latest releases of Opscode software,
including Chef, Ohai and various supporting libraries. Usage
instructions after the fold.
To use this APT repository on Ubuntu systems, add to /etc/apt/
deb http://apt.opscode.com/ <release> universe
Where is karmic, jaunty, intrepid or hardy. On Debian
systems, opscode.list should be:
deb http://apt.opscode.com/ debian contrib
Then, add the Opscode APT GPG key to your keyring:
curl http://apt.opscode.com/packages@opscode.com.gpg.key \
| sudo apt-key add -
Update your local cache and install Chef:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ohai chef
For servers:
sudo apt-get install ohai chef chef-server
See the Ubuntu Karmic announcement for notes about configuration
differences and server-specific information. We will also be updating
the Chef wiki with Debian package-based installation instructions. The
Opscode Chef cookbook will be updated soon as well. Please file a
ticket if you find issues with the deb package version of Chef - be
sure to add “Deb Packages” as a component.
We packaged Chef dependencies that aren’t available for specific
releases and hosted them on the repository so the full stack can be
installed for clients or servers. The packages were built using
Sbuild, using the source packages directly from Debian or Ubuntu where
applicable. See the package list for each distribution release for the
packages included.
See the announcement on our blog: http://bit.ly/aptopscode
Opscode, Inc
Joshua Timberman, Senior Solutions Engineer
C: 720.878.4322 E: joshua@opscode.com
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Darwin)