Builds failing with 'openpty failed: No such file or directory'

Multiple hab pkg build are failing with openpty failed: No such file or directory. There doesn’t seem to be anything in common other than the fact they were building around the same time.

Can you provide any build output, or details about the plans?

You mention building at the same time… are there multiple builds occurring on the same machine?

The logs are only accessible via VPN, so I can’t share them publically. And yes - there are multiple builds occuring on the same machine.

The one bit of consistency is that it always appears to happen have enabling the IgnoreLocal stuff.

∅ Enabling feature: IgnoreLocal
∅ Enabling feature: IgnoreLocal
script: openpty failed: No such file or directory

It sounds like the root of this was likely running multiple builds on the same machine, at the same time. With our current studio implementation, the multiple studios will likely have contention over the pty file descriptor.

Solution: either use the rootless studio or don’t run multiple builds on the same machine simultaneously.