Chef 12.12.13 Released

Ohai Chefs!

First things first and let me point out the elephant in the room here: v 12.12.12 did not make it. A build number composed of such perfection and Jenkins cast it away like dust to the wind. I blame myself and I’m sorry.

But v12.12.13 came through all green and we are happy to announce that we have promoted it to the stable channel and it is currently available for download here. You can review the changes in this version by viewing the change log.


Corrected changelog link is here and edited above.

A potential critical regression has been reported in 12.12.13 related to using default_unless to set attribute precedence. We’re investigating now.

The regression has been fixed by, we’re working on getting build and a patch release out now.

The fix has just been delivered in 12.12.15 and is available for download from the downloads page.