Chef automate 2.x tutorial needed

I need to be able to use Chef automate 2.x I am not able to find a tutorial for Chef automate 2.x.
This tutorial looks like it is for Chef automate 1.8:
as it uses still automate-ctl instead of chef-automate like chef automate 2.x does.
within chef-automate i can't find a way to establish the Connection from chef automate to chef infra Server. chef-automate does not have setup command any more. How the connection from chef automate to chef infra server is done now?

Hey @TvG71!

Welcome to the Chef Discourse board. Can you take a look at this documentation and see if it suits your needs?

It should have all the context needed to get you on your way.

Of course if you have any issues, please let us know.

Thank you!

Hi campbell,
yes that mentioned page helped a little bit. A tutorial about how to configure and use Chef Automate 2 still will be great. A next point is a big inconsistency about the API documentation. There is this swagger documentation about the whole API:, and
All URLs have different paths for the same item. All-api.swagger.json has for nodes-search this URL where the URL about the nodes has this one: api/v0/nodes/search. The one from the node documentation with v0 in it is the working one.
A next the path point is iam/v2/policies?pretty swagger.json and iam-v2 API reference. Although both have the same path for the policies it is not working with chef automate 2. I always get “not found” (for v1 and v2)
If I load the swagger json into swagger editor I get this errors:
Semantic error at paths./iam/v2/projects/{project_id}/rules
Equivalent paths are not allowed.
Jump to line 2417
Semantic error at paths./iam/v2beta/projects/{project_id}/rules
Equivalent paths are not allowed.
Jump to line 3169

The use of the API should also be documented better. The use of the URL need to be done in sequences. For example a secret need to be created via its URL before a node can be created via its API as it needs the secret-id. Sequence diagrams for such kind of behaviors will be great. Figuring out the needed sequence just form the API arguments is difficult to do.