Thanks Tom, you’re correct. The node’s Ethernet DNS entry was wrong, so it had no internet access and hence can not download the chef-client-*.msi file
From: Deprez, Tom []
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2014 4:26 AM
Subject: [chef] RE: chef-client not recognized on Windows node
That error suggests chef-client didn’t install for some reason (even though it says it has). Are you behind a proxy at all?
We’re behind a proxy and see this when we don’t use --bootstrap-proxy as part of the bootstrap command. If you can get more verbose logs, have a look to see if the chef-client did actually download.
To confirm if it did install, log on to the server and run chef-client –v from a command line.
From: Fouts, Chris []
Sent: 13 November 2014 00:45
Subject: [chef] chef-client not recognized on Windows node
I found my problem (in previous post) and I’m able to bootstrap the windows node, but I get this during the bootstrap, when it’s trying to run the empty run list? Finished waiting for Chef Client package to install. Installation completed successfully ‘chef-client’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Writing validation key…
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