As far as using chef-client to configure servers goes:
When is Chef support for Debian 9 (stretch), expected to be in place?
Per the Chef documentation, it looks like Debian 6, 7 as well as 8 are listed as secondary platforms for the chef-client. Is there any news as far as the expected time-frame for chef-client Debian 9 (stretch) support?
It seems with Linux’s LTS for Debian 9, now that Debian 9 (Stretch), is out, it makes sense in the long term for companies to be configuring / provisioning Debian 9 servers as oppose to 6, 7, and 8.
I am personally using Hosted Chef server as my Chef Server option, so Chef Server Debian 9 support is not as important to my specific use, however may help others who come across this thread. Please post any information anyone may have!
The main issue I’m running into here is not being able to test my configuration using test-kitchen before applying them to an actual Debian 9 server (no Bento box available to test on). Seems like a ‘jump and hope for the best’, approach to use the Debian 8 stuff for Debian 9?
@J0991 we’re actively testing our Chef Inc. managed cookbooks against Debian 9 now. We have a dokken image for testing with kitchen-dokken as well as a vagrant image debian-9.0 (9.1 is coming soon). You should have everything you need to test your cookbooks against Debian 9 and as far as we can tell everything works fine from a chef-client perspective.