Chef Knife upload error


I have installed Chef Automate with Infra server on my ubuntu machine. I have created a user and organization. When I created them it successfully reflects on my Chef Automate portal’s events page. If you see the below picture, I have cookbook directory where I try to run the knife upload command it shows “the object you are looking for could not be found”

I’m not sure what this error means, could someone please help me?

It's best if you have .chef folder in your home directory for your user and in there you should have your knife.rb and pem file. If you work with multiple servers or orgs then credentials file to specify profiles is best. Are you using chef-server as a cookbook source instead of internal supermarket?

Hello @Stromweld

Thank you for your reply.

As you have advised I have created a .chef directory within home folder and copied my knife.rb, client.rb and put the client.pem file as well. I only have one organisation and 2 users, one is pivotal and another is chefuserwk. Yes, I’m using chef server as cookbook source and currently trying to upload my cookbook to my local chef server.

If you look at the below screenshot, the left terminal shows the bits inside home directory. You can see I have knife.rb, client.rb and created directory called .chef and put my pem file inside. if you look at the right terminal it shows the bits inside my cookbook. When I ran this command (knife cookbook upload -a) from any of the directory like home or install_software, it still shows this error “ERROR: The object you are looking for could not be found”