I see there is a pUsh jobs server package available for Ubuntu 14.04
but the associated client package listed on the website does not include
ubtuntu 14.o4.
Does this mean there is no push jobs client for Ubuntu 14.04?
Hi guys,
I am using Chef server 12 hosted with me.
Can anyone of you share some nice guidelines on how to set up and use it with some examples?
I mean Push Jobs module.
It's really great facility to be able to push job from Chef server to node. Not only to wait when node goes to Chef server. Or using knife from workstation.
Please correct me if I understood purposes of that module wrong.
Tank you in advance.
Regards, Taras.
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Від кого: "M G" meher03@hotmail.com
Дата: 26 грудня 2014, 08:19:21