Thanks for tips. I've tried "knife index build" to no avail. Running that
command outputs this to /var/log/chef/solr.log: INFO: webapp=/solr
path=/update params={} status=0 QTime=5
Solr is listening on port 8983 and doesn't log an error when trying to
rebuild the index, so I assume it's accepting connections.
I have a suspicion that this is related to chef-expander though. Nothing
gets logged to "chef-expanderctl log-level debug" when I'm rebuilding.
Are you indexing Windows nodes? I've had to up the maxFieldLength value to
2500000 before some of our Windows nodes were indexed properly. No idea if
that's a sensible number or what impact it might have, we've since moved to
Opscode hosted Chef.
Jim Croft
Systems Developer, Cloudreach Limited
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I had that happen at times. In my case, it turned out to be a RabbitMQ issue. The manual installation instructions on the Opscode Web site describe how to set up the queues (I hope I got the terminology right). I had to first delete all the queues, and then recreate them. After that, searches started to magically work again.
Thanks Kevin Keane -- it was a rabbitMQ issue for me as well.
For those with similar chef search problems, here's what I did:
1.) I deleted my chef vhost and user from rabbitmq
2.) Created new chef vhost and user: "rabbitmqctl add_vhost /chef" and
"rabbitmqctl add_user chef ****" (Replace **** with password)
3.) Then in /etc/chef/server.rb, I added:
amqp_user "chef"
amqp_pass "****" where **** is the password
4.) I restarted chef-server, chef-expander, and chef-solr just for good
measure, and everything works now.
Thanks all!
On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 8:05 PM, Kevin Keane (subscriptions) <> wrote:
I had that happen at times. In my case, it turned out to be a RabbitMQ
issue. The manual installation instructions on the Opscode Web site
describe how to set up the queues (I hope I got the terminology right). I
had to first delete all the queues, and then recreate them. After that,
searches started to magically work again.
-----Original message----- From: Kevin Huynh Sent: Tue 12-04-2012 12:55 pm Subject: [chef] Chef Search Broken;
Hi guys,
I am currently getting 0 items returned for any kind of knife search task.
'knife node list' returns a list of nodes but 'knife search node ":"'
0 items.