Per subject –
chef-expander’s log indicates that it’s successfully able to run indexing
operations, and I’ve run an index rebuild… but while ‘knife search node
":"’ returns everything I’d expect, ‘knife search node “name:*”’ comes
back empty.
Where should I start in understanding (or diagnosing) this behavior?
[As an aside – while I’ve upgraded the server to 0.10.x, most clients are
remaining 0.9.x for now, which I understand to be a supported configuration.
The 0.10.x clients aren’t coming back in search either].
Maybe this?
Issue has been submitted multiple times in various forms. Basic fix is to increase “maxFieldLength” in solr config.
I did a clean install of Chef 0.10.4 on a brand new system as opposed to
upgrading, with a dump and restore of the CouchDB instance, and the issue
went away. I thus doubt it was CHEF-2346, as I understand it to be a
deterministic issue -- should have happened after the clean install just as
much as it happened after the upgrade.
I haven't deprovisioned the old node yet (but have it running under a
different name and IP); if anyone is interested in investigating, please
contact me within the next day or two; otherwise, I'm liable to toss it out.
On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 8:00 AM, Brian Akins wrote:
Maybe this?
Issue has been submitted multiple times in various forms. Basic fix is to
increase "maxFieldLength" in solr config.