Chef-server-ctl test error

Hello guys,

When I run chef-server-ctl test, I get the following errors:

Pending: (Failures listed here are expected and do not affect your suite's status)

1) opscode-account user association user not in org can be invited to the org by an admin when the inviting annot be accepted
 # Known failure: passes w/ 200 b/c no USAG cleanup performed for deleted user
 # ./spec/api/account/account_association_spec.rb:661

2) opscode-account user association user not in org can be invited to the org by an admin when the inviting a can't by accepted
 # Known failure: passes w/ 200 b/c no USAG or other group cleanup performed for deleted user
 # ./spec/api/account/account_association_spec.rb:670


1) authenticate_user POST /authenticate_user with correct credentials superuser user returns 200 ("OK")
   post(request_url, superuser, :payload => body).should look_like({
       :status => 200,
       :body_exact => response_body

   Response should have HTTP status code 200 ('OK'), but it was actually 401 ('Unauthorized')
     Reponse Body: {"error":["Failed to authenticate: Username and password incorrect"]}
 # ./spec/api/authenticate_user_spec.rb:129:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'

2) users /users/<name> endpoint PUT /users/<name> superuser authenticating after updates when password is uncs not been changed.
   post(auth_url, superuser, :payload => { 'username' => username,
                                           'password' => password }).should look_like({
       :status => 200

   Response should have HTTP status code 200 ('OK'), but it was actually 401 ('Unauthorized')
     Reponse Body: {"error":["Failed to authenticate: Username and password incorrect"]}
 # ./spec/api/user_spec.rb:873:in `block (7 levels) in <top (required)>'

Finished in 3 minutes 14.5 seconds (files took 17.5 seconds to load)
154 examples, 2 failures, 2 pending

Failed examples:

rspec ./spec/api/authenticate_user_spec.rb:128 # authenticate_user POST /authenticate_user with correct credent
rspec ./spec/api/user_spec.rb:871 # users /users/<name> endpoint PUT /users/<name> superuser authenticating aft modified user when password has not been changed.

Could anyone help me understand what is wrong with my chef server settings?

Thank you,

Is this an existing and once working chef server or is it a new chef server?

It’s a chef-server which is running properly, used by a sum of people. The
problem is that now I cannot invite new people into org.