Chef Workstation 23.4.1032 Released!

We are delighted to announce the availability of version 23.4.1032 of Chef Workstation.

Updated Components

Chef Infra Client

Updated Chef Infra Client from 18.0.185 to 18.2.5. See the Chef Infra Client release notes for a full list of improvements and features.

Chef InSpec

Updated Chef InSpec from 5.18.14 to 5.21.29. See the Chef InSpec release notes for a full list of improvements and features.

Bug Fixes & Updates

  • Fixed errors that occur when knife ssl fetch or knife ssl check is run.
  • Updated cookstyle to fix an issue where cron.deny gets flagged as false positive.

Get the Build

If you are running the Chef Workstation toolbar application you can download this version from the menu after the app next update check. You can also download binaries directly from

As always, we welcome your feedback and invite you to contact us directly or share your email. Thanks for using Chef Workstation!