Cookstyle 6.12 released with 3 new Chef cops!

Hey folks,

We have a new release of Cookstyle out with 3 new Chef Infra cops to help you keep your cookbooks sparkling like they're brand new.

Cookstyle 6.12

3 New Cops


The ChefDeprecations/ChefDKGenerators cop detects custom cookbook generators for the chef CLI that utilize the legacy ChefDK classes and not ChefCLI classes.

Enabled by default: True

Autocorrects: Yes


The ChefDeprecations/ChefHandlerRecipe cop detects cookbooks that include the deprecated chef-handler::default recipe. This recipe is empty and does not need to be included, and the chef_handler resource was merged directly into Chef Infra Client in 14.0.

Enabled by default: True

Autocorrects: Yes


The ChefDeprecations/UseAutomaticResourceName cop detects resources that use the legacy use_automatic_resource_name, which was removed in Chef Infra Client 16.

Enabled by default: True

Autocorrects: No

RuboCop 0.88

RuboCop has been updated to 0.88, which offers significant performance improvements to many Ruby cops that Cookstyle utilizes.

Other Improvements

  • ChefModernize/ExecuteAptUpdate has been updated to detect additional methods of executing apt-get update.
