How to use chef-client cookbook in my own cookbook to set below attributes

node[‘chef_client’][‘cron’][‘minute’] - The minute that chef-client will run as a cron task. See cron recipe
node[‘chef_client’][‘cron’][‘hour’] - The hour that chef-client will run as a cron task. See cron recipe
node[‘chef_client’][‘cron’][‘weekday’] - The weekday that chef-client will run as a cron task. See cron recipe

How can i use these attributes in my own cookbook

I’d suggest reading up on the wrapper cookbook pattern. There is a nice post about that on the Chef Blog.

in your cookbook:

in metadata.rb  use depends

depends 'chef-client' 

**in your recipe use**

include_recipe 'chef-client::default'

**in your attribute file**

default[‘chef_client’][‘cron’][‘minute’] = 'xxx'
default[‘chef_client’][‘cron’][‘hour’] =  'xxx'
default[‘chef_client’][‘cron’][‘weekday’] = 'xxx'