Iis cookvook v4.0.0

I’ve just pushed version 4.0.0 of opscode-cookbooks/iis. This version
includes a few bug fixes and introduces a more configurable properties to
the pool resource. This breaks attribute compatibility with the previous
version - please upgrade carefully.

v4.0.0 (2015-02-12)

Improved pool resource with many more apppool properties that can be set.
Fixed bug with default attribute inheritance.
New recipe to enable ASP.NET http://asp.net/ 4.5
Skeleton serverspec+test-kitchen framework.
Added Berksfile, Gemfile and .kitchen.yml to assist developers.

Kartik Cating-Subramanian — Trouble Maker

314-266-8468 – ksubramanian@chef.io - my: Linkedin



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