InSpec 1.6.0, audit cookbook 2.3.0

Dear InSpec friends,

I hope you had a great thanksgiving. Lets start the week with fresh software:

  • InSpec 1.6.0
  • audit cookbook 2.3.0

InSpec 1.6.0 Release Notes:

This release ships with a new color scheme for InSpec CLI by Hannah Maddy and Victoria Jeffrey

In addition, John Kerry from NCR added support for junit reporting. This enables you to see inspec reports in Jenkins. His post Test Kitchen, Inspec, and Jenkins Reporting describes this feature in detail.

Also Gary Bright and Chris from NIU Solutions added the windows_task resource:

      describe windows_task('\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Time Synchronization\\SynchronizeTime') do
        it { should be_enabled }
      describe windows_task('\\Microsoft\\Windows\\AppID\\PolicyConverter') do
        it { should be_disabled }
      describe windows_task('\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Defrag\\ScheduledDefrag') do
        it { should exist }
      describe windows_task('\\Microsoft\\Windows\\AppID\\PolicyConverter') do
        its('logon_mode') { should eq 'Interactive/Background' }
        its('last_result') { should eq '1' }
        its('task_to_run') { should cmp '%Windir%\\system32\\appidpolicyconverter.exe' }
        its('run_as_user') { should eq 'LOCAL SERVICE' }

Full release notes are available at Release v1.6.0 · chef/inspec · GitHub

Audit Cookbook 2.3.0 Release Notes:

The audit cookbook supports the new Chef Automate profile storage as released in 0.6.6. Further documentation about this new feature is available at Chef Web Docs and audit cookbook documenation

Full release notes are available at Release Audit Cookbook 2.3.0 · chef-cookbooks/audit · GitHub
