Knife-azure 1.1.4 Release Announcement

Ohai Azure Chefs. We’ve released knife-azure 1.1.4 – you can gem install it
today. This release includes fixes for virtual resource leaks, reliability
of VM readiness for Windows bootstrapping, and adds support for virtual
networks and availability sets.

A huge thank you to our bug reporters and contributors. In addition, I’d
like to thank Brian Whipple, who made multiple contributions for this
release in the areas of resource cleanup, VM readiness detection, and
virtual network support and moved the gem forward to a new API version.

knife-azure on RubyGems and Github

The list of issues addressed in this knife-azure 1.1.4 release is given
below. As always, if you find issues in this or any other version of
knife-azure, please record them at– you can also contribute your
fix or improvement there as well. If you’re
not a contributor, you can learn more about how to become one at

Issues Fixed in knife-azure 1.1.4:

KNIFE-407 knife azure should assume windows-chef-client-msi for
--distro parameter

KNIFE-406 knife azure image list should include image location in

KNIFE-405 Knife-azure server create leaks cloud services on
failure to create vm

KNIFE-404 knife azure server create fails if you specify 5985 for

KNIFE-403 Knife-azure should auto-generate the VM name

KNIFE-402 Knife-azure causes gem conflict with nokogiri 1.6

KNIFE-380 Encrypted data bag file configuration not detected when
bootstrapping Windows server

KNIFE-375 Bug in enhancement to clean up resources when
provisioning fails.

KNIFE-361 Delete underlying VHD blob image from Azure Storage by
default when deleting Virtual Machine

KNIFE-360 Add support for adding Virtual Machine to Availability
Set during provisioning

KNIFE-358 knife-azure tries to bootstrap too quickly

KNIFE-291 Support for Virtual Networks when creating a VM


Software Development Engineer, Opscode, Inc.