Knife-windows 0.5.10.rc.1

Hey Chef’ers

Knife Windows 0.5.10.rc.1 has been pushed to

You can install it on a system with ‘gem install knife-windows --pre’ (may need a sudo).

Along with some bug fixes we have some new features:

  • full NTLM authentication support
  • all subcommand now prompt user for password
  • subcommands now display the return codes of all remote commands

Big thanks go out to community members Paul Morton [0] and Chris McClimans [1] (aka Hippie Hacker) for lots of real world testing and features!

Release Notes - Knife Windows Plugin - Version 0.5.10

** Bug

* [KNIFE_WINDOWS-2] - knife-windows - can't run winrm bootstrap subcommand from Windows 7 machine
* [KNIFE_WINDOWS-4] - Unable to use domain credentials with windows winrm subcommands
* [KNIFE_WINDOWS-13] - Bootstrapping a system with a space in the path fails
* [KNIFE_WINDOWS-14] - windows omnibus installer download fails when using proxy

** Improvement

* [KNIFE_WINDOWS-18] - Knife should ask for a password if you did not specify one, but did specify a user
* [KNIFE_WINDOWS-19] - Knife windows should be able to track exit codes and return a non-zero if a session fails

** New Feature

* [KNIFE_WINDOWS-16] - winrm output / commands should show return value


If you find any bugs testing the release candidate be sure to open tickets on the KNIFE_WINDOWS [2] project.

Seth Chisamore
Software Development Engineer, Opscode, Inc.
IRC, Skype, Twitter, Github: schisamo
