DevRel Weekly Community Updates 2021-08-05
Created by benny Vasquez
Last updated: just a moment ago by Kiah Tolliver
4 min read0 Associations
2 people viewed
We’ll share this content at the weekly Community meeting in public slack on Thursdays at 9 am Pacific.
Examples of things that might be of interest:
- new LCR module/track/whatever available
- that LCR swag thing that we've got going on
- any events we're going to be at anytime soon
Item | Point Person(s) | |
Learn Chef/Anything else | @Steve Del Fante |
@Jonathan Pereira (Unlicensed)
@Dan Webb
@Kiah Tolliver||
|Community|@benny Vasquez||
Below is the template for sharing these meeting notes on
This template is meant to make it easier to format and share the meeting notes every week. The names can be adjusted to whoever actually did the sharing that week, and the content below it can be italicized to make it easier to differentiate.
Below are the meeting notes for this week's Community Meeting, a text-based meeting held weekly in #community-meetings on our community slack, which you can join:
benny Vasquez shared
This week’s releases
Chef Automate
Automate 2 version 20210727104144 released earlier this week with some new features and bug fixes. You can find notes about that here
Chef Habitat
benny Vasquez shared
Chef Infra Server
benny Vasquez shared
Chef Infra Client
benny Vasquez shared
Chef Inspec
benny Vasquez shared
Chef Workstation
benny Vasquez shared
Workstation 21.8.555 also released a few bug fixes this week. Read more about that here!
Other releases
tas50 shared
Chef Automate
Ankur Mundhra shared
Chef Habitat
mwrockx shared
Hello from Habitat!
This week we have been working on:
- Core-plans team onboarding
- Continued work on August core-plans refresh
- Trouble shooting thread deadlock issue in hab event stream
- Moving builder onto an up to date rust tool chain
Chef Infra Client
tas50 shared
Hey folks. You're going to get the 100% live typed out version of this update this week
because full disclosure here: I slept in today
We have a few different big things in the works for Infra Client 17.4 and beyond
first up @lamont is doing some really great work improving how compliance phase works. This really integrates how compliance profiles and infra cookbooks work and allows you to ship them all in a single cookbook that you test and version as a unit. Check out the initial PR here: Native compliance phase by lamont-granquist · Pull Request #11904 · chef/chef · GitHub
@mparadise is working on improving how our self documentation code for resources works. This will make it possible for us to finally wrap up automation work for We'll be able to ship new resource documentation automatically when we promote versions. He's also moving forward with HashiCorp Vault integration in our new secrets helper.
@johnmccrae is working on improving how we store the client.pem for the Infra Client. He has a PR open to fetch the secret from the Windows Certificate store and he's working on updating knife bootstrap
to lay down certs in the cert store now.
and finally we have some really cool work coming out of our desktop team now
We are now the proud owners of the corefoundation gem which an FFI gem for interacting with macOS APIs. This is going to greatly expand what we can do managing Macs: GitHub - chef/corefoundation: FFI based Ruby bindings for the CoreFoundation frameworks
expect to see updates to user defaults moving to that new gem first
I think that's it for client updates for the week
Chef Infra Server
prajakta shared
Ohai Chefs!This week the Server team has been heads down on getting the Postgres upgrade wrapped up.
We are testing some final pieces of post upgrade work. And we hope to get the release out soon.@tas50 has been making some really awesome contributions to unify our branding,
improve the chef-server-ctl gather-logs
command.That is all for us!
Chef Inspec
cwolfe shared
Chef Workstation
Nikhil Gupta shared
Hi All! Here are the updates from Workstation team The latest workstation release 21.8.555 this week includes these changes
- Windows chef client PowerShell DLL fix
- Knife improvements and bug fixes, especially related to
knife bootstrap
- Cookstyle fixes
- Updates in
chef generate cookbook
- RHEL 8 package improvements
- Unit test cases being reviewed in the Go Cobra library implementation
- Dev changes to optimise
chef -v
are nearly complete, updating flows to handle Windows platform specific code - Addressing an issue in kitchen-vagrant
- Looking into support for Solaris
- Addressing an issue in workstation-app
Sous Chefs
ramereth shared
Here's the list of new releases in the past week:
git - 11.0.0:
for Chef 17 compatibility -
Add some missing test coverage
LWRP to custom resource -
LWRP to custom resource -
Source provider changed to
:install_from_source action
Use ark cookbook for source install
users - 7.1.0:
CI: Use the chef-infra provisioner instead of chef-zero
users - 8.0.0:
Patch bug causing the cookbook to fail on SUSE and MacOS
Update README to lessen confusion
This may still be a breaking change for some users, but is hopefully no longer a bug
Cinc Updates
ramereth shared
Hello from the Cinc Project!
Cinc Server
- Working on resolving run-time issues with 14.6.32 related to chef-utils gem
- Will work on building 14.7.13 once the 14.6 run-time issues are resolved
Cinc Client
- 17.3.48 was released
- Will work on releasing 16.14 in the next few days
Cinc Auditor
- 4.38.9 was released
Cinc Workstation
- Currently working on resolving a build issue with 21.7.545
- Will work on building 21.8.555 once those issues are resolved
We also resolved an issue affecting omnitruck based installations on OpenSUSE via our omnitruck endpoint.
Slowly catching up on the release backlog
Should have the 21.7.545 release out later this morning as I just figured out a solution the problem
Other updates
See you next week!
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