Meeting Notes for December 3rd, 2020

Below are the meeting notes for this week's Community Meeting, a text-based meeting held weekly in #community-meetings on our community slack, which you can join:


benny Vasquez shared

It’s a big week for the DevRel team! We’re hiring an additional team member, and we have a Learn Chef update!

  • We’re hiring for a Developer Advocate position. There’s a little complexity to apply for our this spot, because it’s open to anyone in the US, UK, or Bulgaria. Unfortunately, that requires three separate applications. If you want to apply, chose the appropriate one for you! US application , UK Application , BG Application
  • We also have two new courses that just launched on Learn Chef . Up first is a Chef 101 , an introduction to automation, the OSS toolkit and Chef’s products and solutions. The other is the much anticipated Chef Desktop , the solution for managing all of your Laptop and desktop systems.

This week’s releases

Chef Automate

benny Vasquez shared

Automate 2 had a release ~10 days ago, allowing you to customize your SAML sign-in session length, along with a couple bug fixes. Release notes here:

Chef Infra Client

benny Vasquez shared

Chef Infra Client had a release last week pre-US-thanksgiving that increases speed and reduces memory use across platforms. Particularly when installing on windows. Thanks to @TimothyTitan , @Annih , @jaymzh , @limitusus , @axelrtgs , @scarpe01 , @Blorpy , @chasebolt , and @ziggythehamster for all your help with these improvements and additions (and to @tas50 for listing y’all in the release notes, making you easier to find!)Notes here:

Chef Workstation

benny Vasquez shared

And finally, Chef Workstation 20.12.187 went out yesterday. This release has some remarkable breaking changes. It removes stove and foodcritic and removes packages for RHEL 6.

Other releases

benny Vasquez shared

Cookstyle had a relatively big release last week, too. It includes an update to RuboCop, more cops, and a bunch of other improvements.

tas50 shared

@ramereth gave us a great fix for Test Kitchen on Windows that was released in Test Kitchen 2.8

Fauxhai 8.6 came out with macOS 11 data:


Chef Automate

Alex Pop shared

Greeting everyone

  • The 24h compliance reporting change is in and going out soon. We made other UI changes to better highlight where UTC timezone still applies.
  • Working to better support DNS based external ElasticSearch endpoints.
  • We merged UI changes to the Compliance nodes and control trend graphs to support InSpec waivers.
  • Progressing on the ElasticSearch 7 upgrade epic.
  • We added the ability to filter applications service groups by only connected services

Chef Infra Client

tas50 shared

  • Audit cookbook functionality has been merged into Chef Infra Client as a new Compliance Phase. This first step is a fully backwards compatible implementation utilizing the existing attribute structure. Expect to see this morph into a config based system in future releases. We're considering this a beta release at this point and you'll see an official announcement most likely in Jan
  • Our DSC resources were fully refactored and moved to the powershell_exec helper which should give them some impressive performance improvements
  • Yum/DNF fix work continues
  • Work to scope Chef Infra Client 17 is ongoing

Chef Infra Server

prajakta shared

Hello Folks!
This week for Chef Infra Server team we have been working on :

  • Getting the server build with support for sig_V4 changes tested in Automate, Before that we worked on reviewing all of the changes and testing if want to add support to daytime boundaries with respect to creating cachable URLS.
  • Fixed issues related to the failures seen in the nightly build pipeline.
  • We have tested the rails upgrade changes with supermarket - it might need some updates to fix some verification failures (in unit tests, that we will be working on next)
  • We have also started adding support for Elasticsearch 7.9.1 to Chef Infra Server.

That is all for us!

Chef Workstation

mparadise shared

Ohai folks! We've been working on a few things in Workstation: getting a new WS release shipped with the latest Chef Client (thanks* @tas50 , as usual!)

  • onboarding new team members
  • native M1 support for Workstation
  • rollouts feature work, which will allow customers to track the end-to-end deployment of an applied policy update as it is deployed

to nodes in a policy group.We will also be resuming regular weekly triage meetings at their original time, Wednesdays at 1PM EST/10AM PST

Sous Chefs

ramereth shared

Hello from Sous Chefs!

It seems replacing me by a few "scripts" has meant a large increase in new releases.

Here's the list of new releases in the past week:

  • apache2 8.7.0: Add template_cookbook property to install
  • dhcp 7.2.1: Enhance the pre-service action configuration test to remove compile/converge bug
  • docker 7.3.0: Updates the registry_mirror option of docker_service to be either a string or array. This way multiple mirrors can be configured
  • dpkg_autostart 0.4.2: Regression introduced in 0.4.1, of undefined method action being received
  • fail2ban 6.3.0: Fixed wrong property in fail2ban_jail and fail2ban_filter resources
  • grafana 9.5.1: Removed duplicate attribute
  • jenkins 8.0.4: Retry jenkins CLI command without authenticating after receiving an HTTP 401
  • jenkins 8.1.0: Fix the implementation of the cli user/password authentication method
  • keepalived 5.2.0: Added support for LVS/IPVS scheduler to keepalived_virtual_server lvs_sched property
  • mariadb 4.1.1: Cookstyle fixes
  • mariadb 4.1.2: fix default path on x86_64 systems
  • mariadb 4.1.3: Remove unused selinux_policy cookbook dependency
  • mariadb 4.1.4: Add back selinux_policy to install vendored SELinux policies
  • mariadb 4.2.0: Add bootstrap and join actions to mariadb_galera_configuration to bootstrap and join clusters
  • mysql 9.0.0: New support for MySQL 8 and removed support for MySQL 5.1, 5.5, modernize platform support
  • nginx 11.0.0: Major refactor of various resources and removal of legacy code
  • openldap 4.3.0: Add RHEL/CentOS 8 support
  • postfix 6.0.0: Disabled SSLv3 by default
  • postgresql 8.0.2: Fix quoting of DROP ROLE query
  • rsync 3.0.0: Sous Chefs Adoption
  • rsync 3.0.1: Fixed issue with auto release system
  • rsyslog 7.2.1: Fixed a bug during the release of 7.2.0
  • rsyslog 7.3.0: Enabled custom templates for rsyslog 35-server-per-host.conf file
  • rsyslog 7.4.0: Add facility to choose TLS driver
  • rsyslog 7.5.0: Fix log directory ownership
  • ruby_build 2.1.2: Cookstyle fixes
  • ruby_rbenv 3.0.0: Namespace the root_path variables to avoid naming conflicts with other sous-chef cookbooks
  • rundeck 5.1.1: Cookstyle fixes
  • syslog_ng 1.0.2: Cookstyle fixes
  • syslog_ng 1.1.0: Add enable/disable actions to control a configuration item whilst leaving the configuration file in place
  • syslog_ng 1.1.1: Remove service action from ruby_block
  • vscode 1.0.3: fixed yamllint warning for "on" in the ci workflow
  • vscode 1.0.4: Cookstyle fixes, fixed extension installation issues, modernize platform support

Boy, that was fun compiling that list.. I'm going to have to make a script to do these next week.

Thanks to @Xorima for getting @Xorimabot working for auto releases.

I've also been working on improving the openldap cookbook along with finishing up cleaning up the jenkins cookbook in the past week. @nuclearsandwich will likely start helping with the jenkins cookbook as well.

Here's a list currently open pull requests that have been recently updated that need some reviews.

Cinc Updates

ramereth shared

Hello from the Cinc Project!

Cinc Client:

  • Released 16.7.61

Cinc Workstation:

  • Released 20.12.187 via the unstable channel

As a team of volunteers, we're still very busy with our actual jobs however we're still trying to find time to make progress on the following items:

  • Windows Cinc Workstation build
  • MacOS BigSur (11.0) builds
  • Additional stabilization of Cinc Server and Cinc Workstation

See you next week!

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