ohai chefs,
we have a really weird behaviour on our chef server v.11.0.8-1.
Searches for a specific node return two different nodes:
$ knife ssh ‘name:tst-bukews.sicofe.csi.it’ ‘hostname’ -x root
tst-wsobuke1.sicofe.csi.it tst-wsobuke1
tst-bukews.sicofe.csi.it tst-bukews
Even after re-indexing solr (and also physically removing its index data)
the problem persists.
Here you can see Solr signaling two hits (from
2013-12-19_17:34:13.33948 INFO: [] webapp=/solr path=/select
hits=2 status=0 QTime=0
We also tried to take a peek at the DB and the two nodes appear to be
different (see details below).
The only remaining option we can come up with seems to be deleting and
re-creating those nodes…
Any suggestion?
opscode_chef=# select id,name,environment,last_updated_by,updated_at from
nodes where name like ‘tst-wsobuke1.sicofe.csi.it’;
id | name |
environment | last_updated_by | updated_at
00000000000068f80e4afd57298c34b9 | tst-wsobuke1.sicofe.csi.it |
TEST | 0000000000002a72fefc2b4c5694b33b | 2013-12-19 16:06:11
(1 row)
opscode_chef=# select id,name,environment,last_updated_by,updated_at from
nodes where name like ‘tst-bukews.sicofe.csi.it’;
id | name | environment
| last_updated_by | updated_at
0000000000007b653256df23de9b050a | tst-bukews.sicofe.csi.it | TEST
| 000000000000432e60583a737cec9f97 | 2013-12-19 16:06:11
(1 row)