Ppa for easy Ubuntu installs and updates?

I’m looking for a better one-liner for setting up hab on a fresh ubuntu box than:

curl -L 'https://api.bintray.com/content/habitat/stable/linux/x86_64/hab-%24latest-x86_64-linux.tar.gz?bt_package=hab-x86_64-linux' | tar -xvz --strip-components=1 --directory=/usr/local/bin --wildcards "hab-*/hab"

I’m considering setting up a PPA for distributing hab releases via standard Ubuntu package installation in a way that can be automatically updated. Does the core team have any plans to publish a deb source before I pollute the internet with an unofficial one?

Chef Software hosts its own package repositories (see https://docs.chef.io/packages.html), and I’m guessing at some point the same infrastructure will be used to distribute Habitat, but I don’t know if this is on the roadmap at all.

Nobody will stop you from making a PPA, but it would be up to the maintainer of the PPA to make sure the packages on there are up to date. Habitat is changing quickly, and I would rather have no PPA at all than one that serves out of date packages.

I tend to agree with @smith on this one. Better distribution methods are definitely on the radar but I don’t know if they’re actively being worked on right now. Though if it something that a lot of folks are feeling pain-wise I’d be happy to take a look at what it will take to get a different method implemented.

Nobody will stop you from making a PPA, but it would be up to the maintainer of the PPA to make sure the packages on there are up to date. Habitat is changing quickly, and I would rather have no PPA at all than one that serves out of date packages.
joe root
hr@ Business Assignment Help