Problem re-installing chef-server

For some reason I decided to re-install open source chef-server. Here is
what I did (in CentOS 6.3):

  1. sudo chef-server-ctl stop
  2. sudo rpm -ev chef-server
  3. sudo rm -rf /etc/chef-server /opt/chef-server /var/log/chef-server
  4. kill any running chef-server process and make sure no chef-server
    process running anymore (ps -aef |grep chef)
  5. sudo rpm -iv chef-server-11.0.8-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
  6. sudo chef-server-ctl reconfigure

Everything looks fine and I can talk to localhost via ports 80, 443, and
8000. I can even load up the webui. But when I try to login to the webui as
"admin" using default password I got an error. Further investigation shows
that the three key files (admin.pem, chef-validator.pem, chef-webui.pem)
were not created in /etc/chef-server/. I guess that’s because I didn’t
completely remove chef-server from the system before I install it again.

Any idea what did I miss?



OK, I figured it out. To completely remove chef-server I need to remove
/var/chef and /var/opt/chef-server as well.

On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 2:20 PM, irvin wrote:

For some reason I decided to re-install open source chef-server. Here is
what I did (in CentOS 6.3):

  1. sudo chef-server-ctl stop
  2. sudo rpm -ev chef-server
  3. sudo rm -rf /etc/chef-server /opt/chef-server /var/log/chef-server
  4. kill any running chef-server process and make sure no chef-server
    process running anymore (ps -aef |grep chef)
  5. sudo rpm -iv chef-server-11.0.8-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
  6. sudo chef-server-ctl reconfigure

Everything looks fine and I can talk to localhost via ports 80, 443, and
8000. I can even load up the webui. But when I try to login to the webuias "admin" using default password I got an error. Further investigation
shows that the three key files (admin.pem, chef-validator.pem, chef-webui.
pem) were not created in /etc/chef-server/. I guess that's because I
didn't completely remove chef-server from the system before I install it

Any idea what did I miss?



could also stick the following command somewhere along your journey

root@lvsyschef01:~# chef-server-ctl --help
I don't know that command.
/opt/chef-server/embedded/bin/omnibus-ctl: command (subcommand)
Delete all private chef data, and start from scratch.

On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 5:39 PM, irvin wrote:

OK, I figured it out. To completely remove chef-server I need to remove
/var/chef and /var/opt/chef-server as well.

On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 2:20 PM, irvin wrote:

For some reason I decided to re-install open source chef-server. Here is
what I did (in CentOS 6.3):

  1. sudo chef-server-ctl stop
  2. sudo rpm -ev chef-server
  3. sudo rm -rf /etc/chef-server /opt/chef-server /var/log/chef-server
  4. kill any running chef-server process and make sure no chef-server
    process running anymore (ps -aef |grep chef)
  5. sudo rpm -iv chef-server-11.0.8-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
  6. sudo chef-server-ctl reconfigure

Everything looks fine and I can talk to localhost via ports 80, 443, and
8000. I can even load up the webui. But when I try to login to the webuias "admin" using default password I got an error. Further investigation
shows that the three key files (admin.pem, chef-validator.pem, chef-webui
.pem) were not created in /etc/chef-server/. I guess that's because I
didn't completely remove chef-server from the system before I install it

Any idea what did I miss?



Elvin Abordo
Mobile: (845) 475-8744