The socket proxy stuff is over on its own branch:
Here’s the diff master…add_socket_proxy_type on our fork. Bear in mind our fork’s master is likely behind the upstream, community cookbook.
As for the start & stop scripts, we use Capistrano to deploy our apps, and we have a number of nice gems for Cap that handle Unicorn stuff. For Unicorn itself, check out sepastian-capistrano3-unicorn. We use these gems to handle installing rbenv and Ruby:
They’re all available on Rubygems, and hopefully the README helps you out, but feel free to open an issue on the requisite repositories if need be.
Jeff Byrnes
Operations Engineer
On April 23, 2014 at 11:49:27 AM, S Ahmed ( wrote:
Thanks. WHere exactly is that socket proxy goodness? 
If you install unicorn via ‘gem install unicorn’, what about the start/stop scripts etc?
On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 12:00 PM, Jeff Byrnes wrote:
We’ve written a few cookbooks for our Rails apps, but they’re private for various reasons. However, the community nginx cookbook is pretty good:
And you can check out our fork of it that adds some socket proxy goodness for Unicorn:
The pattern we follow is to set up the server with nginx properly configured, then let the apps’ deployments install rbenv, Ruby, & Bundler, then use Bundler to install all the necessary gems for the app. Initial deployment is a bit slow, but after that, you’ve got the flexibility to let your apps determine the specific versions of things you need (e.g., Ruby itself, Rails, various gems).
Jeff Byrnes
Operations Engineer
On April 16, 2014 at 11:09:11 AM, S Ahmed ( wrote:
Is there a rails,nginx, unicorn cookbook out there in chef land that is maintained by a web 3.0 company out there? 
For some reason I see most people are still stuck with apache.
I know I can build my own (that’s the beauty of chef hehe) but just curious if there any any cookbooks that are rails/ruby specific that are maintained by a company that just so happens to open source their devops.
Thanks for your guidance.