Service startup priority?


Using the service resource, is it possible to specify the startup
priority with the enable action?

Use case: I need to mount EBS volumes before starting the postgresql
server that stores data on said volumes :slight_smile:


On 12/06/2009, at 10:54 AM, Jeppe Nejsum Madsen wrote:


Hello again!

Using the service resource, is it possible to specify the startup
priority with the enable action?

Not currently, I'm afraid. Feel free to open a ticket and mark it for
0.7.2, I'll get onto it if someone else doesn't :wink:

Use case: I need to mount EBS volumes before starting the postgresql
server that stores data on said volumes :slight_smile:

AJ Christensen, Software Engineer
Opscode, Inc.

On 12/06/2009, at 00.56, Arjuna Christensen wrote:

On 12/06/2009, at 10:54 AM, Jeppe Nejsum Madsen wrote:


Hello again!

Using the service resource, is it possible to specify the startup
priority with the enable action?

Not currently, I'm afraid. Feel free to open a ticket and mark it
for 0.7.2, I'll get onto it if someone else doesn't ;

Here you go:

In the meantime, I've added this to my recipe:

execute 'fixservices' do
command %Q{
update-rc.d -f mountec2vol remove
update-rc.d mountec2vol defaults 18 22
