Windows_task issue on Windows 10 Pro

I've created a simple cookbook to run the chef-client on Windows and Linux every 30 minutes. This worked without issue on Windows 10 Home, but on a Windows 10 Pro box, it's set as a one-time task and doesn't work.

This is the code:

  windows_task 'chef-client' do
    user 'WIN10\myuser'
    password 'supersecretpassword
    command 'chef-client'
    run_level :highest
    frequency :minute
    frequency_modifier 30

Perhaps a bug?

I should add that in looking at the actual task on the Windows box, the "run once" box was ticked, rather than "run daily" (based on the code above). The :minute and 30 were added correctly, but the task was not set to daily.

Try setting the frequency to :daily as you want the task to "run daily".

windows_task 'chef-client' do
    command 'chef-client'
    frequency :daily
    frequency_modifier 30

Thanks @seshardi_c. Wouldn't the 30 modifier = 30 days, or am I overthinking it? I'm looking for daily + every 30 minutes.

You are right, using :minute with frequency_modifier 30 does create a task that runs every 30 minutes on my machine. Perhaps its a difference of chef-client version. I'm running 16.1.