Chef Automate Release 1.6.99

We are delighted to announce release 1.6.99 of Chef Automate. The release is available for download from

Important Upgrade Notes

This is a minor bug fix release. If you are upgrading from 1.5.x or earlier, please review the detailed upgrade notes for the more impactful release that preceded this one.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue with automate-ctl delete-node was failing with “414 Request-URI Too Large”
  • On marketplace images (AWS and Azure), fixed an issue when user tries to scan a node with the audit cookbook. A 401 unauthorized error was returned trying to use the “compliance” source for profiles. Until 1.6.99 is deployed to the marketplaces, you will need to upgrade the images using marketplace-clt upgrade.
  • Changed logic on the Test button for webhook notifications to accept all 2xx responses as successful

We encourage you to upgrade often. As always, we welcome your feedback and invite you to contact us directly or participate in our feedback forum. Thanks for using Chef Automate!