Hello, everyone! I’m happy to announce the release of InSpec v1.45.9!
- Correctly format skip exceptions in formatters #2307 (adamleff)
- http resource: Add basic param handling to remote HTTP worker #2286 (schisamo)
Bug Fixes
- port resource: handle ss output from older iproute package #2305 (Wing924)
- Fix classname in JUnit formatter #2283 (adamleff)
- oracledb_session resource: fix credential passing to sql/sqlplus #2308 (bratdim)
- xinetd_conf resource: fix false positives when config file or directory doesn't exist #2302 (eramoto)
Merged Pull Requests
- Bumping train to 0.29.1 #2306 (adamleff)
- Habitat build works for all versions, eliminates rake #2301 (adamleff)
- Fix gid filtering for etc_group resource #2297 (eramoto)
- Require Ruby 2.3 and later #2293 (adamleff)
- Update Rubocop to TargetRubyVersion 2.3 #2311 (adamleff)
InSpec v1.45.9 can be found at downloads.chef.io, Habitat Builder, Docker Hub, and RubyGems.