Meeting notes for April 22, 2021

Below are the meeting notes for last week's Community Meeting, a text-based meeting held weekly in #community-meetings on our community slack, which you can join:


benny Vasquez shared

Let me start off by saying that we’re only one week away from our launch of Chef Infra Client 17, and I’m excited to share everything that’s been build in the last year. If you haven’t yet, please do register here:

We’ve also added an Intro to Ruby Resources course to Learn Chef. Thanks to @Jonathan Pereira for all that hard work.

This week’s releases

Chef Infra Client

benny Vasquez shared

Chef Infra Client 15 & 16 both got releases in the last week.

Though we’d said that 15.16 was the last 15 release, we had to get in a ruby update to cover some CVEs April 28th. Remember: Chef 15 goes EOL on April 28th, so definitely get your update plans in line now.

The 16.13 release included those same Ruby updates, as well as Ubuntu FIPS support, and some resource and language improvements and a bunch of other stuff. (Thanks @ramereth and @jeremyciak !)

Chef Inspec

benny Vasquez shared

Chef InSpec also got a release yesterday (4.33.1) with the new new --reporter-include-source CLI option.

Other releases

benny Vasquez shared

Chef Manage also had a release with a ton of bug fixes, the addition Ubuntu 20.4 support, and Ruby, OpenSSL, Rack, and Rails updates.

we also got New Bento boxes for Kitchen Vagrant for FreeBSD 13.0 and Springdale Linux 7.9


Chef Automate

Ankur Mundhra shared

  • Dependency improvements for UI library - prismJS, y18n
  • Improved user experience for first focus in modal view
  • Documentation of edit functionalities of environment and clients
  • Unit test improvement of index generation for ES
  • Node API improvements to fetch node details to Infra Server Views
  • Solved concerns around content not loading for cookbooks with no attributes in Infra server views
  • Validation to update chef server in Infra Server views with valid ip address or FQDN
  • Proper UI message if admin key is invalid in Infra Server views
  • UI improvements of edit views in Infra Server views

Chef Infra Client

tas50 shared

  • Continued work on improved Windows certificate support
  • Replacement for the unreliable Parellizer code has been merged
  • Additional improvements to Compliance Mode to better validate the configuration and help user when it's wrong has been merged
  • FreeBSD 13 builds are in the works
  • Lance's Linux :Cpu plugin rewrite is now merged so we have a ton of fancy new data there
  • We added support for FIPS on PowerPC RHEL

17.0 will ship next Wed so be ready for new builds

And if you're curious what it involves over 16.13 check out the release notes PR:

Just a heads up we're currently shipping Chef Infra Server 14.3. This release includes a number of security fixes and improvements.

Chef Infra Server

prajakta shared

This week for the Chef Infra Server we have been focussed on getting the release out of the door and we expect to do that shortly!

  • Making progress on upgrading postgres to 12.5 and rails to 6.

That is all for us this week!

Chef Inspec

cwolfe shared

The Chef InSpec team is working on:

  • Added basic support for SElinux resource
  • Extended support for SElinux modules and booleans currently in PR review
  • Added support for regex validation of inputs
  • Added ability to output source code of controls in the CLI reporter
  • Removed the default command timeout of 3600 seconds, as the timeout option has been problematic and it should be opt-in
  • Working on an alternative approach to command timeouts over the SSH transport, currently looking at relying on the GNU timeout utility when available rather than using a watchdog thread to close the session (which leaves the server-side process still running)
  • Working on several minor fixes for the group and groups resources
  • Looking into why inputs don't work inside describe blocks inside blocks

Chef Workstation

Nikhil Gupta shared

  • Windows buildings failing on require ‘win32/process’ library
  • Reverted back Ruby version from 2.7.3 to 2.7.2 in chef-workstation

Currently working on

  • Moving some of the Ruby code to Go binary in chef-workstation(particularly chef -v )
  • macOS builds are failing when ruby gets updated to 2.7.3

Workstation app issues

  • A JavaScript error occurred in the main process while opening workstation app when the default profile is missing in the knife config
  • Workstation crashes hard if the installation in /opt is removed.

Sous Chefs

ramereth shared

Hello from Sous Chefs!

Here's the list of new releases in the past week:

  • nginx - 11.5.2: Correct typo in
  • nginx - 11.5.3: Fix site template: remove unmatching rbrace in options
  • vcruntime - 2.2.1: Update vc14 checksum for 14.28.29914.0

We have created a board on Github to track issues and pull requests during our weekly meeting.

All Sous Chefs members should be able to add cards there and any member can move something there for users who can't.

Cinc Updates

ramereth shared

Cinc Client:

  • Released 15.17.4

Cinc Auditor:

  • Released 4.33.1

Other Updates:

We're looking to change the time of our bi-weekly public triage meeting (which will happen in two weeks). Please fill out this doodle poll so we can find the best time for all interested.

See you soon!

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