Released Test-Kitchen 1.7.1

We just released Test-Kitchen 1.7.1 to rubygems. This is patch release over yesterday’s 1.7.0 release. We identified an issue with 1.7.0 last night with some failed builds that test against the latest Test-Kitchen release gems. The root cause of the issue was crlf line endings in the gem package. There were a couple manifestations of the error. One was a failed upload of files to the test instance because the kitchen root directory was being created as /tmp/kitchen?. Note the offending ?.

We have added a .gitattributes to the test-kitchen repo. This likely would not have prevented this particular break but it could prevent other similar breaks in the future. We ensured that the work tree from where the gem was built was cleaned of crlf line endings and ran test builds from a dev gem prior to the final 1.7.1 release.

Next week we will add another fiix that should prevent the break even if crlf line endings found there way to the /support templates. It was too risky to add that in a Saturday morning patch.

We apologize if you were affected by this issue and encourage you to grab the 1.7.1 patch.
